Stop fanning rumours, DAP man tells PR

(The Sun) – Penang DAP chairman Chow Kon Yeow has urged Pakatan Rakyat leaders to nip rumours in the bud to prevent uneasiness fermenting among the grassroots.

Chow said instead of adding to such controversies, leaders instead should disseminate the right information to party members.

“If something does not happen (not true), kill it and not fuel it,” the Tanjung MP told theSun.

Chow was commenting on the recent controversy involving Penang PKR chairman Datuk Mansor Othman after it was reported that he had described Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng as “arrogant and cocky” as well as seen a “tokong” (temple or deity).

The deputy chief minister I was alleged to make the remarks in a PKR meeting over seat negotiations with DAP. The remarks were contained in the minutes of the meeting which was leaked to a blog.

Mansor has denied describing Lim as arrogant but defended using the word “tokong” as it was made in reference to the esteem and respect of the people had towards the DAP secretary-general.

Chow said the issues raised during the PKR meeting would not have repercussions with the DAP as he was of the opinion that the matter were were just the concerns of a particular group in the party (PKR).

“The views of these groups in the party does not necessarily reflect the reality on the ground,” he added.

