‘New flag’ stunt raises ire

TREASONOUS ANTICS: Malaysians denounce Bersih supporters who want to replace Jalur Gemilang

Bersih supporters showing a flag at Dataran Merdeka on Thursday night in the run-up to the Merdeka Day countdown. (Inset) A flier that was distributed on Thursday night calling for the Jalur Gemilang to be replaced with a new flag. 

(NST) – MALAYSIANS from all walks of life have described the demands made by supporters of the Bersih movement for the Jalur Gemilang to be replaced with a different flag as “shameful” and “treasonous”.

They are also incensed over the actions of the same group, which insulted Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak by stomping on his picture during the countdown to the Merdeka Day celebrations at Dataran Merdeka here on Thursday.

The supporters of Bersih, who claim to be championing for a better electoral system for the country, had displayed a flag they had created to replace the Jalur Gemilang and distributed flyers to the people to support their cause. Their actions can be seen in a video posted on YouTube.

Principal of a childcare centre, Velda Ooi, 44, said this was a disgrace to the founding fathers of Malaysia as they had toiled hard to create an identity for the country, which was symbolised by the Jalur Gemilang.

“I really can’t believe the youngsters can do such a thing. So shameful… they don’t even treasure our history, our pride and our identity.

“Why are they doing this?” said Ooi, who said she felt very angry over the group’s actions.

Student Yogannath Thiruchelvan, 16, said Malaysians who did not appreciate the Jalur Gemilang were a disgrace to the country.

“When the Union Jack flag was brought down 55 years ago, our flag was hoisted. It is sad that these people do not know the significance of our flag and can do such a thing,” said Yogannath who wanted the offenders punished.

Juice bar manager Muhammed Fitri Harun, 28, summed up the entire incident in one word: “Ridiculous!”

“They should be punished as this is an act of treason to our nation as a whole. The flag represents us all, the citizens. How dare they do such a thing?”

Meanwhile, attempts to get a response from Bersih co-chairman Datuk S. Ambiga were unsuccessful. She, however, yesterday tweeted her displeasure over an incident perpetrated by a Bersih supporter during the gathering.

A photo of a rally participant on the Internet showed him “mooning” pictures of Najib and his wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor as well as Election Commission chairman Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Yusof.

Another man is seen applauding his action, while yet another showed a rude gesture.

The organisers of the Bersih gathering, dubbed “Janji Demokrasi rally”, did not respond to requests for comments.

Businessman Datuk Mohd Mahyidin Mustakim said he was upset when he saw the videoof the act and demanded that the culprits be punished.

“Memang kurang ajar (very insolent). What kind of values are they teaching the younger generation? This is not part of our culture.

“We are very well known for our humble and well-mannered behaviour,” said Mahyidin.

Aizad Salleh, 27 who is a sales assistant in a shopping mall here said that it was a very disrespectful act.

“What have they done for the country? Now we are flourishing because of our current prime minister and the ones before him.

“If they can’t be thankful, at least do not disrespect our leaders like this. They really should be brought to court and punished,” said Aizad.

Financial consultant Susan Lim, 30, also felt that those who committed the act should be punished and taught a lesson.

“Who are they to behave like this? This is one of the most disrespectful things I have ever seen.

“No matter who it is that you hate, just don’t do this. It brings you down as a person as well,” said Lim.

