When D-day comes for Malaysians …


Is it wrong for the people to follow, adhere and practice leadership by example? No it is not wrong. But the example is not exactly right! That is the problem with Malaysia.

Lim Victor

STOMPING and burning of pictures of community and political leaders was a democratic Western culture now common in the violent Middle-East.

In Malaysia, it is becoming a popular culture today  – thanks to the Barisan Nasional (BN)-Umno culture.

The stomping of the picture of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak on the eve of Independence Day (Merdeka Day) on Aug 30 just shows how some Malaysians hate him. Not an iota of respect for the man who, after more than four years, still doesn’t have the guts to call for a national poll to secure his own mandate to rule.


Well! It has been a long wait and this coward can hang on till latest next June. This, however, is not the theme of this blog post because a coward does not deserve any recognition.

My theme for this blog post is ‘Leadership By Example!’, at one time propagated by the evil and Satanic believer Mahathir Mohamed, our Prime Minister for 22 years – good riddance.

Now, is it wrong for the people to follow, adhere and practice leadership by example? No it is not wrong. But the example is not exactly right! That is the problem with Malaysia.

To all Malaysians, please reflect just who started all such “violent” and uncouth show of disrespect to their community and political leaders in Malaysia in recent times?

Umno-Perkasa-Utusan Malaysia-Jati and now, soon-to-be Mat Rempit policing! Now, does that not ring the bells!


When the actions and behaviour of Mat Rempit – which the Royal Malaysian Police Force (PDRM) labelled as road thugs (hey! Don’t tell me you have forgotten that? I have not, you Hishammuddin shit-head) – are endorsed by the law, it is time for the lawlessness and looting culture. When the Mat Rempit starts to loot, what is the PDRM going to do? Nothing my friend, because it is endorsed and supported by Umno, just like how Perkasa can run amok for all you care and there is still no crime.


Now, BN-Umno, may I remind your shit-head that whatever hate or evil recourse that you resort to, it is a double-edged sword. You swear, you burn, you stomp, you abuse, you lie, others can also do the same. So continue to fan more discord and hatred and try to divide this nation! You will surely fail in this ICT (Information Communications Technology) era.

The people are more informed to make their own judgment, they are also more educated and intelligent – unlike BN-Umno and its lapdogs who continue to live in their cocoons and give blind loyalty, no matter how their dignity is stomped on.

To all Malaysians who will have their day to cast their ballots to elect the government of the day in the 13th General Election, don’t blame others for the government that you elect. After 55 years, that is long enough a time for you to decide what is right and good for your children and country.
