It’s in the genes
So, as I said, this is not just a Muslim thing. Even half-drunk Indian-Hindu very, very clever lawyers also think and do things exactly like what those outraged Muslims are doing all over the world. Sama-sama bodoh mah! Muslim ke, Christian ke, Hindu ke, Buddhist ke, semua sama-sama bodoh!
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Anti-Islam film protests spread to Sydney
(AFP) — Hundreds of protesters clashed with police in Sydney on Saturday, as a wave of unrest against a film that mocks Islam spread to Australia, with bottles and shoes hurled outside the US consulate.
Furious protests targeting symbols of US influence flared in cities across the Muslim world on Friday in retaliation for a crude film made in the United States by a right-wing Christian group that ridicules the Prophet Mohammed.
At least six protesters died in Egypt, Tunisia, Lebanon and Sudan as police there battled to defend American missions from mobs of stone-throwers, and Washington deployed US Marines to protect its embassies in Libya and Yemen.
In Sydney, Saturday shoppers looked on in surprise as protesters, including children, shouted “Down, down USA” and waved banners such as “Behead all those who insult the prophet”.
“We are sick and tired of everyone mocking our beloved prophet,” protester Houda Dib told AFP, as the crowd of about 500 gathered outside the US consulate.
“They have no right to mock our prophet. We don’t go around mocking anyone’s religion.”
“They call us the terrorists,” protester Sarah Jacob said. “But everyone is terrorising our people.”
Demonstrators were pushed back from the steps outside the consulate by police, provoking anger among some in the crowd, many of whom had brought their children with them.
“They were aggravating the situation by pushing our brothers,” Dib said. “This is supposed to be a peaceful protest.”
The protesters later moved to nearby Hyde Park, where one speaker called for calm, saying the aim of their protest had been to send a message.
“We are here for the sake of our god,” he said. “The message is clear, you cannot mock (the prophet).”
Yes, the Muslims are outraged. From Australia to Rusila (PAS President Tok Guru Abdul Hadi Awang’s hometown) Muslims are rising up in anger because of that movie that allegedly insults Prophet Muhammad. They say the movie is called ‘Innocence of Muslims’.
I don’t really know what that movie is about because I have not seen it yet. In fact, not a single Muslim from amongst those thousands of outraged Muslims all over the world has seen that movie either. They just heard about this movie and they also heard that the movie is insulting to Prophet Muhammad.
Should they not wait first until the movie is released and then go and see it before coming to a conclusion whether the movie really is insulting to Prophet Muhammad or not?
I doubt that can happen. Not a single Muslim would be prepared to go see that movie. In fact, they will not even allow the movie to be screened. And if any cinema defies this ban and tries to show the movie that cinema would most likely be firebombed with a Molotov cocktail or someone like that.
I mean, how many of you, Muslim or non-Muslim, would dare go to the cinema to see that movie, even it were allowed to be shown, and face the risk of that cinema being bombed with you trapped inside it? I am sure even if they offer you free entry you will still not want to go anywhere near that cinema, let alone go inside it.
You may think that Muslims all over the world are stupid. You may think that this is déjà vu of Salman Rushdie’s ‘The Satanic Verses’. Remember when Muslims all over the world were outraged and a death sentence was passed on Salman Rushdie? However, again, not a single outraged Muslim had actually read that book.
So how do they know that that book is insulting to Prophet Muhammad? Well, they heard people say. So, based on what people say, action must be taken. People must be killed. Buildings must be burned. Muslims must demonstrate their outrage.
It make Muslims sound stupid, don’t you think so? They foam at the mouth and burn and kill based on what they hear, not based on what they witnessed. Only stupid people would foam at the mouth and get outraged to the point of madness because of the rumours they heard whereas they have not actually witnessed it themselves to confirm whether the story is true or not.
Actually, not only Muslims are like this. Most people, non-Muslims included, are the same. And Malaysians are sometimes worse than those from the other countries.
Take my case as an example. I too have been condemned like there is no tomorrow based on what people heard. Take my TV3 interview as a case in point. The majority of those who condemn me had not actually seen the TV3 news. In fact, they boycott TV3 and refuse to watch the news on that station.
So how do they know what I said in that interview? Well, they heard certain people say. In fact, these people who are saying it also did not watch TV3. They read on the Internet that so-and-so read in Utusan Malaysia that TV3 said so-and-so and I was alleged to have said that.
In short, a Pakatan Rakyat Blog said that Utusan Malaysia said that TV3 said that Raja Petra Kamarudin said that……
Yes, that was how it went. And we are not talking about outraged and stupid Muslims here. We are talking about very clever and highly educated Chinese, Indians, Christians, Hindus and Buddhists who reacted because a Pakatan Rakyat Blog said that Utusan Malaysia said that TV3 said that Raja Petra Kamarudin said that……
Let me relate a story about a lawyer friend of mine meeting another lawyer friend of his at the Selangor Club, both Indians. The second lawyer was whacking me and my lawyer friend tried to explain what really happened. But this second Indian lawyer went on and on about how I had done a U-turn.
My lawyer friend got so pissed he asked this second lawyer whether he had read my Statutory Declaration and the other Indian bugger replied that he refuses to read it.
So there you have it. He had not read my Statutory Declaration and he absolutely refuses to read it. However, a Pakatan Rakyat Blog said that Utusan Malaysia said that TV3 said that Raja Petra Kamarudin said that……and that is good enough for him.
So, as I said, this is not just a Muslim thing. Even half-drunk Indian-Hindu very, very clever lawyers also think and do things exactly like what those outraged Muslims are doing all over the world. Sama-sama bodoh mah! Muslim ke, Christian ke, Hindu ke, Buddhist ke, semua sama-sama bodoh!
Yes, I know, I have read some of your comments regarding the demonstrations by Muslims all over the world. And your comments are about how stupid Muslims are. In fact, some of those comments are so downright nasty that I have had to delete them.
If I wanted to hurt Pakatan Rakyat all I needed to do was to allow those comments. Then we can see the Malays punish Pakatan Rakyat come the next election. I mean, you cannot post such nasty and arrogant comments and not expect retaliation.
Yes, I know, I know, freedom of speech means you have the right to insult Malays, Muslims and Islam. But if I were to say you are stupid for believing in ‘hell money’ and for believing that white ang pows during Chinese New Year bring bad luck you will scream that I am an insensitive racist.
I suppose this explains why you people regard Barisan Nasional people who join Pakatan Rakyat as patriots while the Pakatan Rakyat people who join Barisan Nasional are traitors.