UMNO and the Malay Mental Serfdom


We know things are the opposite when our Dear Leader Kim Il Najib spoke about Malay survival being linked to UMNO. What else can he say? The easiest way to rebut this simplistic assertion is to point out to him that 1 in 6 Malays is an UMNO member. So when one UMNO Malay is out of the loop, there are 5 more other Malays left to survive. So, it’s not true that if UMNO is out, Malays are also finished off. Only that lone UMNO is out of the equation. So we ignore his shrieking and false assertion.

I am most baffled when he says or suggests that UMNO has an ideology. Since when does UMNO has an ideology consisting of beliefs and basic driving force? What ideology? Since the time when I was still in UMNO until now, we have been taught that UMNO hasn’t got an ideology. It has always claimed it’s pragmatic although the word actually means anything goes. No sir, UMNO hasn’t got any ideology.  

Everyone sees a position in UMNO as a means to make more money. That is why Najib has so much difficulty in weaning off incumbents from their current seats. Unless of course he pays them off and that is what he is doing. He’s giving so many people golden handshakes. 

When he says DAP will dominate, he must be off his rockers. But then he is talking to a pliant and nodding crowd whose minds are conditioned by TV3 and Utusex Malaysia. The argument that DAP will dominate is incredible as well as devious. 

He was speaking at the Mesyuarat Perwakilan UMNO Bahagian- the local Perhimpunan Agung. It was the same when he spoke to the rented crowd at stadium Bukit Jalil a few months ago. But when he retires to the sleeping quarters, he can’t sleep because he’s getting nightmares. He’s thinking, can UMNO even reach the 100 seat mark? 

Well, I know more about him that the average reader. 

We have explained why DAP will become a formidable party because of the disciplined and quality leadership and clarity of its cause. Seat wise, DAP cant form a government without PAS and PKR because it’s contesting not more that 52 seats or even less. Unless of course the Malays in PKR and PAS are of the same mediocre standard as UMNO leaders, then only, Malays are disadvantaged. Malay survival is at risk if they continue the corrupt and self-interested UMNO. 

Even Kit Siang and Guan Eng acknowledged the political reality of this country. The majority of the population is Malay and to suggest that anyone other than a Malay can be PM and TPM at this juncture of our history, is devilishly disingenuous. Bu then, UMNO is the devil we know. 

The reason why DAP is assailed is because the party has become the party of choice by the majority of the Chinese, Indians and to small extent, Malays. Malays now prefer PKR and PAS. 

When he asked the pliant crowd are you ready for elections- they will answer yes of course. We have been waiting for the money! Where the mo? 

Do Malays depend on UMNO? That is what UMNO wants us to believe and that it’s why it’s only strategy is to keep Malays on economic leash by giving handouts and free things. It’s also Najib’s only strategy. Talking about ETP and NKRA, KPI must exert some tremendous mental stain on him. Poor fellow. 

That only thing they have withheld from Malays- effective economic freedom free from regulations, licenses that favor the rich, quotas that are robbed by the rich and powerful etc. 

That is absolute lie. Malays do not depend on UMNO for their survival. Malays have got a choice if they want to maintain that emotional security- support PAS or PKR. Do we see Malays suffer in Selangor, Kelantan, Penang and Kedah where UMNO is not in power? No? Then Malays do not depend on UMNO for their survival. They prosper under good governance, sincere and dedicated administrations. 

When UMNO leaders proclaim that our security is at risk that reflects more of their incompetence. The Home Minister shows his complete incompetence by allowing vigilantes to roam the street and create havoc. Hishammuddin should resign from his post as Home Minister if he’s not bright enough.


