It’s all lies, there’ll be no anarchy

Except to sack a few scoundrels in the system, a new opposition-led government will not mean the country will descend into chaos. 

Mohd Ariff Sabri Aziz, FMT

The biggest lie being spouted in this country is that if a new government takes over, the nation will descend into anarchy.

Leaders in the current government must be taking us Malaysians as fools. They must think we were born yesterday.

Let me be clear here. No one is indispensable, least of all Umno-Barisan Nasional. Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak is not indispensable. Former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad is not indispensable.

The old doctor must surely have been hallucinating when he recently said “better the devil we know than the angel we don’t know”, alluding to Najib (vis-à-vis Umno-BN) and Anwar Ibrahim (PKR-Pakatan Rakyat).

We know the devil (Najib) and his devilish ways and we still want to choose him?

Have we lost our marbles? Doesn’t Mahathir understand that the people chose to kick out the devil?

Mahathir is anti-democracy

It’s farcical for Mahathir to endorse voting when it was he who extinguished the flame of democracy in Umno.

During his rule, he started the anti-voting measures to ensure the positions of Umno president and the deputy to be almost unchallengeable, with bonus votes and all that.

In which case, why should we even believe that if Umno-BN falls, this country will descend into widespread chaos?

It will descend into chaos only if people do not obey laws anymore. It will be so if the structures of government crumble.

But will the structures of government disintegrate if Umno-BN loses? It will not. The civil service will still be around.

We are not firing civil servants although there are 1.4 million of them. They will still perform their respective functions.

We are not going to close down the land and district offices. We are not going to close down the post offices, fire stations or any other essential agencies.

What we want to do is to replace a few scoundrels. Just a scratch. Not even a flesh wound.


