Squabbling in Penang PKR may get worse

LEAKED RECORDING: Two leaders at meeting named in report

(NST) – SQUABBLING among Parti Keadilan Rakyat leaders in Penang could take a turn for the worse following a report that named two of them as the alleged perpetrators behind a damaging audio recording of a party meeting.

Both leaders, however, refused to be drawn into the controversy involving the recording, in which Penang Deputy Chief Minister I Datuk Mansor Othman is heard condemning Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng as a “cocky, arrogant tokong (deity)”.

Batu Maung assemblyman Datuk Abdul Malik Abul Kassim refused to comment on the report posted in the “pisau.net” social political blog, which linked him to one of the factions purportedly involved in exposing Mansor with the intention to kill the state PKR chairman’s political career.

Malik, who is also state Religious Affairs and Domestic Trade and Consumerism Committee chairman, declined to deny or confirm the report. “I have no comment,” the state PKR deputy chairman said yesterday.

The other PKR leader named in the report, Pantai Jerejak assemblyman Sim Tze Tzin, one of seven party leaders present during the meeting chaired by Mansor, described it as “absolute nonsense”.

The blog, which quoted state PKR sources, also alleged that the conversation had been recorded by Penang Island Municipal Council councillor Felix Ooi Keat Hin, who purportedly belonged to another faction within the party.

When contacted, Ooi, who is also Bukit Bendera division deputy chief, categorically denied the allegation. “The state party is initiating an investigation, so I will not say anything further for now.”

Apart from Mansor, Sim and Ooi, the other four PKR leaders who attended the meeting were: state PKR deputy chief and Batu Kawan division chief Law Choo Kiang; Raymond Ong, who was candidate for the Bayan Baru parliamentary seat in 2004; Tanjung Youth chief Ng Chek Siang; Batu Uban branch chief Cheah Peng Guan; and, Mansor’s assistant John Ooi.

In the leaked recording, Mansor was also heard saying that the DAP was planning to kill off PKR in the next general election.

Mansor had initially denied making the remarks but last Monday, the audio recording was aired on TV3.

