Reply to all Pakatan Rakyat Troopers in Raja Petra’s Malaysia Today

I wonder why Pakatan Rakyat always shouted for freedom of expression where now they ask me to shut up when I speak up? I cannot never get rid of BN until the day where Pakatan Rakyat is proven to be a way better entity to replaced BN. I seriously do not want to replace a Proton Iswara with Proton Wira. Is not worth the change.

Shen Yee Aun

written by bumiputar2, October 06, 2012 11:58:45

talk cock. You look more like a running DOG.

( Malaysian should look at how Pakatan Rakyat troopers behave in the Cyber World ? Instead of having an intellectual exchange of thoughts regarding the issue that I had posted they end up choose to make it so personal. I wonder is Anwar and Azmin Ali not a running dog from UMNO? I wonder is Chua Jui Meng not a running dog from MCA ? I wonder half of current PKR members are not formerly the running dog from UMNO ? )
written by Reza Shahputra, October 06, 2012 12:23:15
Lets hear your stands on these articles before moving on to other issues:
I’m just an average Joe of Malaysia and Not a PR or BN supporter. Are you able to get answers for these 2 articles and get actions from the SPRM for an average Joe like me?

( Look at how typical Pakatan Rakyat Cyber Troopers behave in the cyber world ? They will always urge people to reply to their allegations where the allegations throw right to their face they will just divert it. I am not like any of them that will deny the facts that there weakness , flaws and problems in Barisan Nasional because my stand is very simple. As bad as BN can be and if they need to be change then make sure they be changed by a real qualified entity that is proven to be way better than BN. If they are exactly like BN or almost the same that what changes are we really shouting for? This posting is nothing about corruption because there also list of corruption that I would like to share it our with the public about PR corruption after Mac 2008. )

written by kaum_lanoon, October 06, 2012 12:44:38
This asshole still doesn’t realise he’s a second class citizen whom will never enjoy real citizenship in the eyes of the racist-corruptive regime. He should just shut-up and go collect his $500

( Even if I am really a second class citizen under Barisan Nasional then what makes you think that I will be the first class citizen under Pakatan Rakyat? Unless Pakatan Rakyat is willing to pledge to remove 152 and 153 in our constitution then only they are qualified to go on further attacking Barisan Nasional regarding the racial and citizen status quo in Malaysia. What type of enjoyment that I will receive from the same half UMNO type of leadership under Anwar and PKR also also a list of corrupted leaders in Pakatan Rakyat after Mac 2008 ? )
written by Happyfamily, October 06, 2012 12:50:13

Yee Aun, you are one nut with a screwed mind. Why use Kelantan or Kedah? Why not take Penang or Selangor as the example? Next time be more intelligent with your analysis.

( Selangor? I thought Selangor did raid alcohol in 7/11 once PR took over power after Mac 2008? I thought Selangor had shut down a Cinema in Banggi ? I also thought Selangor had earlier suggested to segregate the Gender in Cinema in Hulu Langat ? Penang? I thought after Mac 2008 Lim Guan Eng had just demolished a Tua Pek Kwong temple in Penang ? )

written by Maravan2004, October 06, 2012 13:17:55

Shut up lah Shen Yee Aun..Get rid of BN first then talk about Pakatan.

( I wonder why Pakatan Rakyat always shouted for freedom of expression where now they ask me to shut up when I speak up? I cannot never get rid of BN until the day where Pakatan Rakyat is proven to be a way better entity to replaced BN. I seriously do not want to replace a Proton Iswara with Proton Wira. Is not worth the change )

written by Sanny, October 06, 2012 13:24:18

Yalah tu. Lu boleh tak pakai apa pon. Tak da yang larang. Suka hatilah. Nak telanjang kah. Up to you if you say its good for Malaysians to want or do it. Ask the PM lah if he also share the same idea as you. Just have your sweet and leasure time maaah. Probably KJ pon suka tengok perempuan pakai bikini!

( Is not a stripping show as stripping show is not allowed in Malaysia. Is just a Fashion Show. There nothing to ask Najib about it because Najib had never voice out to oppose to it like how PAS Youth did against it. Please do not degrade and drag others leaders who are not related in this issue. There should be certain ethnic and integrity in political battle )

written by zhaoxi, October 06, 2012 13:33:26

the geist of the speach is,vote BN for our contineous freedom.what freedom does our youth wants?
freedom to walk naked in the street?
freedom to go fucking around?
freedom to tske dope?
freedom to just doing anything?
and what restriction you fear of if pakatan rule?
who raided bookstore to confiscate books of irshad manji?
who restricted thr freedom to gsin knowledge by reading?
who raided niteclub and massege parlour to rrstrict our youth to get sex?isnt it every humsn needs?
why BN banned LBGT?isnt it our right to practise what we like?sftersll we dont disturb the life of others.
or what freedom you yearn for.

( You look at smart or perhaps stupid PR troopers that is trying to divert from this issue. What I had posted is only freedom to Organize A Fashion Show. As simple as that. Look at how they manipulate it to walking naked , fucking around and all his entire allegations. As simple as freedom to organize a Fashion Show why PAS Youth need to voice out to ban it ? )

written by narkas, October 06, 2012 13:54:57

( You look Pakatan Rakyat. They are selling about racial unity. They are going against UMNO for being racist. But now they themselves being so racial in their comments. Look at how vulgar they can be sometimes when the truth of reality about Pakatan Rakyat flaws is throw right at their face and it is so bitter for them to swallow the truth )
