Nazri Aziz: Opposition receives political donations too, not just Sabah Umno

(Bernama) – The Opposition should not question Sabah Umno’s RM40 million political donation from unknown sources because DAP had also received RM3.5 million from supporters to build a new building in Penang said Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz.

Nazri said it was not an offence for any party, including the Opposition, to receive donations for their political activities.

“There is no problem. Any party can receive donations. We understand DAP had also received. But Umno received more because there are more Umno supporters.

“Political donations are not an offence. But if it is to become an offence, we are ready to enact such laws,” he told Tan Kok Wai (DAP-Cheras) during a question and answer session in Dewan Rakyat here today.

The Attorney-General’s Chambers had decided that there was no element of corruption in the case against Sabah Umno receiving donations.

Nazri said the contribution was to the Sabah Umno and not for the personal use of Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman.

He clarified that the donation to Sabah Umno was investigated by Hong Kong’s Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) and not the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC).

“It was ICAC that investigated and later closed the case. The money was banked into the Sabah Umno account and not to any individual,” he said.

Nazri who was also asked how many leaders were being investigated by the MACC said a former Menteri Besar, two Members of Parliament, two exco members and two state assemblymen were being investigated.

“We cannot reveal the identity of the individuals because it will jeopardise investigations,” he said.

