‘One candidate one seat’ not Pakatan’s Common Policy, says PAS Veep

(Bernama) — PAS vice-president Salahuddin Ayub today stated that the ‘one candidate one seat’ proposal by DAP national chairman Karpal Singh was not a common policy of the opposition group.

He said it might only apply to DAP.

“We (PAS) have no problem here. Moreover, we have for a long time practised the ‘one candidate one seat’ policy except for certain cases like our party president (Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang) who holds two seats (Marang parliamentary seat and Rhu Rendang state seat),” he said when contacted Wednesday.

The opposition group or Pakatan Rakyat consists of PAS, DAP and Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR).

Salahuddin said PAS had never prevented any party member from contesting a state seat as well as a parliamentary seat if he or she was asked to do so by the party’s top leadership.

“Karpal had made the ‘one candidate one seat’ proposal probably because DAP now has many eligible candidates to be fielded in the upcoming general election. Anyway, this is DAP’s internal matter,” he said.

Last Friday, Karpal was quoted as saying said DAP elected representatives now holding two seats should choose to contest only one in the coming elections, so that they would have more time to serve their constituents.

However, some party leaders objected to the proposal.

