Chua : Selfishness DAP leaders intent to keeping their seats for the salaries

(The Malaysian Times) – Some DAP leaders are intent on keeping both their parliamentary and state seats which earn them up to RM50,000 a month, said MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek.

In commenting on the “one candidate, one seat” proposal made by DAP chairman Karpal Singh, Dr Chua said some Selangor DAP leaders who are both MPs and excos are earning salaries that are “more than a minister’s pay”.

“Some can easily get between RM40,000 and RM50,000 a month, especially if they are sitting on state government-linked companies where they are entitled to allowances and bonuses.

“So, some of them might not be willing to give up (their seats),” said Dr Chua, who refused to disclose names.

Speaking after attending a press conference on the 4th World Chinese Economic Forum, Dr Chua also said it might be difficult for those who hold dual posts to serve people effectively, especially if their parliamentary and state seats are not in the same state.

Meanwhile,  Selangor DAP chief Teresa Kok has been branded as being disrespectful over her response to party supremo Karpal Singh’s proposed “one candidate, one seat” policy.

Kota Alam Shah assemblyman M. Manoharan said Kok’s words showed her lack of respect towards the veteran politician.

“Who is she to question Karpal Singh?” asked Manoharan as reported by news portal Free Malaysia Today.

Last Saturday, it was reported that DAP chairman Karpal had called on party leaders holding both parliamentary and state seats to give one up.

“I think it is important for those who are holding two seats now to publicly declare that they will opt for only one seat. I think they should do so in the interest of Pakatan Rakyat,” Karpal had said.

He added that while there would be “extraordinary exceptions” to his “one candidate, one seat” proposal, all should be willing to vie for a single constituency.

Kok was among the leaders who responded, saying Karpal was highlighting “an old story” to the media.

Manoharan said Kok, also DAP national organising secretary, had no right to speak against Karpal to the media.

“She has to retract the statement and apologise to Karpal for her lack of respect,” he added.

Kok is among the DAP leaders who are both an MP and a state elected representative.

She is Seputeh MP and Kinrara assemblyman. Others include Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng (Bagan MP and Air Putih assemblyman), Penang Deputy Chief Minister Dr P. Ramasamy (Batu Kawan MP and Prai assemblyman), Perak DAP chairman Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham (Beruas MP and Sitiawan assemblyman) and Perak DAP secretary Nga Kor Ming (Taiping MP and Pantai Remis assemblyman).

