Karpal’s call a ‘populist remark with no substance’


(Free Malaysia Today) – Does DAP have the political will to accede to Karpal Singh’s proposal that the party adopts a one-seat-one-candidate policy?

Two Gerakan leaders have expressed doubt that DAP will execute its one seat-one-candidate proposal since the the socialist activists are inclined to accord “special treatment” to some leaders.

The duo are of the opinion that the proposal by DAP chairman Karpal Singh is just a populist remark with no substance behind, since it has often been DAP’s strategy to allow its leaders to contest many seats, or to migrate from one state to another.

Kedah Gerakan Youth head Tan Keng Liang said DAP usually grants exceptions to some leaders such as its secretary-general Lim Guan Eng, who is also the Penang Chief Minister as well as Bagan MP.

Guan Eng is also the Air Puteh state assemblyman in Penang, and he also assumes various chairmanship posts of state-linked companies by the virtue of his appointment as the state’s chief minister.

“Guan Eng is their great leader as he can wear many hats at the same time. That is why, he ended up preparing for his Budget speech at 3am when others are asleep as he has many responsibilities.”

Working late hours is indicative to illustrate that Lim is overwhelmed with many duties from holding so many posts, he said.

According to Tan, there are other leaders in DAP, who also tend to be accorded exceptions besides Lim.

He has reservations whether DAP has the political will to accede to Karpal’s proposal that the party adopts a one-seat-one-candidate policy ahead of the next general election.

“Karpal in trying to be a righteous leader, has been proposing many things for DAP in the past decade, but it does not reasonate within the party as it has the Lim dynasty in-placed. Only if both Lims agree then, perhaps the party would adopt it.”

Karpal is proving the suspicion held by some quarters here that he is more of a figure-head rather than an outright DAP leader.

Read more at: http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2012/11/03/karpals-call-a-populist-remark-with-no-substance/ 
