Seeking Authorities’ Help – a Win-win Situation 

Mothers (from left) Che Surin. Lim and Shanthi had relied on their Genneva Malaysia income as gold traders to feed their families. — Picture by Choo Choy May 

Whatever the reason the company was raided, over 300,000 livelihoods are in the hands of the Central Bank. We seek the Central Bank’s help to strive their utmost best to mediate this critical situation peacefully with empathy and compassion.

Shereen Lim 

My heart goes out to many families who are now in fear, worry and grief. Their dreams have turned into nightmares.

Whatever the reason the company was raided, over 300,000 livelihoods are in the hands of the Central Bank. We seek the Central Bank’s help to strive their utmost best to mediate this critical situation peacefully with empathy and compassion.

It is very noble for the Central Bank to protect the public, in this context with their sincerity and conviction, and we wish to appeal to the Central Bank to resolve this situation with a WIN-WIN settlement.

It is crucial that the Central Bank give priority by speeding up Genneva Malaysia’s issue as over 300,000 of us are now suffering financially & emotionally.

Evidently Genneva Malaysia has always meet their obligations and commitments with all their consultants and customers. We were a OneGenneva Happy family before the raid.

A) To seek the Central Bank’s help by permitting Genneva Malaysia to operate while the Central Bank:
     – Continues to have dialogue with Genneva Malaysia which was already on-going for the last 8 months,
     – to advise and guide them as well as to educate them for a WIN-WIN situation.
B) As for money laundering, this issue originally meant for terrorists. Question: Should it be exercised towards trading houses? If so:
    – We would like to seek the Central Bank to address this grey area immediately; be it gold, wine, properties etc.
    – To seek the Central Bank to formulate a clear rule so no party is victimized otherwise all trading houses are powerless
    – As this is a vast undertaking by the Central Bank which can be considered a very subjective rule, we seek justice that the Central Bank may help us address this issue so that we can put the “trauma” behind us.
