‘No change to PAS hate politics’
(The Star) – PAS’ consistency in belittling the faith of its Muslim political opponents shows that it lacks legitimacy as reformers, said Umno vice-president Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein.
He said despite the party’s claims of being an agent of change and reform, there was no change to PAS’ long-standing approach of spreading the politics of hate.
“In the past they labelled our former leaders with names such as pig farmer or pharaoh. They called us infidels and said we won’t go to heaven after we die.
“What they are doing today by calling us murtad (apostate) is the same as what they have always done, yet they still shout about change and reform,” Hishammuddin told reporters at his office here yesterday.
PAS spiritual adviser Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat recently said that Umno has rejected Islam.
“Umno has not only rejected Islam. It also mocked Islam and rejected ulama and this makes them heretics. Even if a Tok Guru wearing serban – whether he be bearded or not – he has committed apostasy as long as he has rejected Islam in his heart,” Nik Aziz said at the end of the recent PAS muktamar.
PAS also organised a special prayer at Stadium Mohamad IV in Kota Baru last Friday to pray for the destruction of Umno and Barisan Nasional for alleged cruelties that included denying Kelantan oil royalties.
Hishammuddin said the latest attacks on Umno, when the party was praying for the people in Gaza, showed that PAS’ only concern was politics.
He said the only thing that had changed in PAS was its inability to censor its partners in Pakatan Rakyat when they raised sensitive issues regarding Islam, including DAP’s continued rejection of hudud and the recent controversial comments by PKR vice-president Nurul Izzah Anwar on religious freedom for Muslims.
“When their Pakatan partners raise these issues they keep quiet. But then they would label and accuse Umno in an attempt to divert public attention,” said Hishammuddin.