Puteri must wake up from deep slumber
(Free Malaysia Today) – The movement just did not have the leadership capability to reach out to the youngsters using the new media as the platform. Its failure has somewhat driven the youngsters to the other side where its use of the new media has been effective in influencing the young blood.
The Umno general assembly is a chance for Umno young women’s wing to make itself visible and relevant again.
Puteri Umno is not making much of an impact these days. It seems to be hibernating, oblivious to the political storms buffeting Umno and its leaders.
The movement was set up in 2001 to primarily engage with youngsters, particularly women aged 35 and below and who are either in college or working.
Initially it was full of enthusiasm and drive under the leadership of Azalina Othman Said who helmed the movement from 2002 to 2004. It even “stole” the limelight from Wanita Umno.
But over the years the movement has lost its energy and, under the current leadership of Rosnah Shirlin Rashid, it seems to be out of touch with reality. It has gone into deep slumber.
It is not connecting with today’s youngsters who number about three million and who are first time-voters in the coming general election.
It is hardly heard of in the country’s vigorous political scene as its activities are not mentioned much in the public domain.
The movement’s failure in engaging with the youngsters probably prompted Umno president Najib Tun Razak to reach out to the youngsters himself through the alternative media such as Facebook, Twitter and so on.
In recent times, when Najib came under heavy fire from the opposition, the Puteri Umno brigade is nowhere to be seen to defend the big boss. Political observers believe this silence is not good for Umno’s image and credibility.
At a time when Najib sorely needs the support of its members to help him move forward in his transformation programmes against the opposition onslaught, the Puteri movement is just not there to repulse the attacks.
The movement also does not seem to be moving with the times. It is not seen using the new media such as blogs or online news portals to reach out to the female youngsters and connect intellectually with them to woo them over to Umno and Barisan Nasional.
Read more at: http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/opinion/2012/11/27/puteri-must-wake-up-from-deep-slumber/