Is ex-IGP Musa going Pakatan’s way?
The former police chief holds a press conference with two NGO leaders, who are closely linked to the opposition.
Teoh El Sen, FMT
As the general election draws closer, strange things are beginning to unfold.
This afternoon, former inspector general of police Musa Hassan held a press conference here flanked by NGO leaders closely linked to the opposition.
This has fuelled speculations that the ex-top cop would be joining the Pakatan Rakyat coalition soon.
The press briefing was organised by a new NGO called the Malaysian Crime Watch Task or MyWatch, which is chaired by R Sri Sanjeevan. Also present was POWER NGO chief S Gobi Krishnan, who acts as adviser of MyWatch.
Gobi Krishnan is also PKR’s national strategy and political bureau secretary. Sri Sanjeevan has been known to be a harsh critic of the police and a KITA leader in Negeri Sembilan.
The focus of the press conference was on the tackling of crime and Musa was announced as a patron of MyWatch today.