20 ‘gates’ to shut out Pakatan from Selangor

(The Star) – A WANITA Umno delegate detailed 20 dalil (reasons) why Pakatan Rakyat should be ejected from Selangor.

Selangor Wanita information chief Datin Paduka Mesrah Selamat listed down the various “gates” which broke in the state since Pakatan took over in 2008, including the Talam issue.

“There is the Talam-gate scandal with questionable deals involving RM1bil when the state could not even repair the lifts at a district office. Then there is the manifesto-gate where Pakatan failed to fulfill election manifesto. (Also) water-gate, sand-gate, Unisel-gate and a sex-gate.

“I have listed down 20 reasons why they (Pakatan) should be rejected and I urge the one million women voters in the state to rally behind Barisan Nasional and Umno to determine a better future for themselves.”

Another delegate vented her frustration at the Penang government and its Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, saying how “sad and difficult” it was to live in the state.

“It’s true that he (Lim) is a tokong, because the rest are scared of him,” she said.

“Under Barisan Nasional’s 50-year rule, we took care of the people from when they were in their mother’s womb till they were sent to the grave. But in less than five years of Pakatan’s rule, they’ve made things difficult for the people,” she said.

