Anwar: I’m not behind Deepak, Musa

The opposition leader denies playing a role in the startling revelations by the carpet dealer and ex-IGP.

Teoh El Sen, FMT

Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim has denied involvement in the startling revelations made by carpet dealer Deepak Jaikishan and former inspector-general of police Musa Hassan.

However, Anwar stressed that Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein should respond to the accusations directly.

“Musa has been coming out with very serious allegations against the minister of home affairs. I think coming from the former IGP and involving the security of the nation, it should warrant a response from the minister. Whether you agree or disagree, you cannot dismiss it,” he told reporters at the PKR headquarters today.

“Similarly, coming from Deepak, who is known to be direct associate of Najib and Rosmah [Mansor]. You can’t just be dismissive.

“If it is just a scurrilous attack. I would understand that Najib would dismiss it. But this is specific, that he is involved to reverse a statutory declaration, so, answer lah,” he added.

Anwar dismissed suggestions of Pakatan Rakyat or PKR being behind Deepak or Musa’s statements, but expressed that PKR was open to Musa joining them if the matter came to that.

“The allegation [that Pakatan is behind these exposes] is baseless. Look at the facts.

“Have I met him [Musa]? No. Yes, I did met him when he withdrew the civil suit against me. But that was it.

“Did he indicate that he was interested in joining PKR? No. What if he does? I’ll think about it. But the issue is irrelevant. It is not fair because I have not heard, neither has he indicated interest about being in politics,” he said.

Musa recently held a press conference in his capacity as the patron of a newly launched anti-crime NGO MyWatch, saying that there were political interference by the home minister during his tenure and that such incidents still occurred.

He also alleged that criminal elements had infiltrated the police force, and expressed that his successor Ismail Omar needed to buck up.


