The tale of Pakatan hypocrites and stateless Indians
These questionable characters assume that Indians in Malaysia will actually believe their rhetoric and vote them in for the next GE. In reality, the poor Indian old folks and affected people that were employed for the rally were the ones hoodwinked by these characters for their own individualistic agendas.
Santara John
Chua Jui Meng, having served party politics for nearly 40 years, happens to be the longest serving Health Minister in Malaysian history. Chua has never seen the limelight for the right reasons prior to 2008 since quitting MCA and joining PKR in 2009. He said verbatim that he preferred a two party system but in reality it is a well known fact that Chua quit because he failed to become the MCA president. And after so many years of doing nothing for the Indians, what made him turn towards the Indian plight now? What was the logic behind his dramatic presence at the protest in JPN Putrajaya today? Is he taking advantage of the situation to garner Indian votes in Segamat where he is expected to contest?
But can anyone be worse that this politician from Klang? Despite his political affiliation, many neutrals and even those on the BN side have always regarded him as a decent and good man. But little do people know that in this politician exists the devil of hypocrisy. A few days back, he urged Prime Minister Najib to mobilise a special team to ensure stateless Indians are registered immediately. In making that call, Charles Santiago completely concealed the fact that he had engaged the SITF, the special unit Najib formed under his department to look into documentation issues among Indians, the very special unit Charles Santiago engaged many months ago to resolve documentation problems of people who approached him. Short-term memory lost, oh YB? Or are you feeling guilty that you engaged them?
The other drama queen MP of Kapar who tirelessly rallied to gather people for the protest rather than serving his constituents stated his mother and mother-in-law were victims of statelessness. Was he so committed and busy as a Parliamentarian that he didn’t get time to seriously look into the matter and assist them through the proper channels? Maybe he didn’t have the time since he was too busy hitting the streets with Surendran for rallies and protests rather than doing things the right way. How can his constituents expect him to take care of their needs?
These questionable characters assume that Indians in Malaysia will actually believe their rhetoric and vote them in for the next GE. In reality, the poor Indian old folks and affected people that were employed for the rally were the ones hoodwinked by these characters for their own individualistic agendas. So look at yourself in the mirror before you speak of others!