Bar decides discretion is the better part of valour

Furthermore, should the Bar Council launch an inquiry based solely on the rantings of Deepak Jaikishen who claims to have played an instrumental part in the signing of the SD2 but who has changed his stand completely now? What about Balasubramaniam, the protagonist in this tale? He recants his first SD saying he was forced to sign it under duress, and signs the second SD for cash. Then he starts bleating ‘duress and force’ again.

FMT LETTER: From Prudent Observer, via e-mail

The response to Harris Ibrahim’s insistence that the Bar Council investigates the so called ‘father and son’ legal team over the drafting of the SD2 has been cautious and rightly so.

Opinion in the legal circle is divided. Some senior lawyers have expressed the need for caution. PI Balasubramaniam was never a client of the lawyers in question.

A lawyer’s paramount duty is to his client. The client wanted SD2 drafted and it was done. The lawyer’s work is done. Is he liable for what the client does with the document?

So the Bar Council’s cautious stand is understandable. Furthermore, should the Bar Council launch an inquiry based solely on the rantings of Deepak Jaikishen who claims to have played an instrumental part in the signing of the SD2 but who has changed his stand completely now?

Would not Jaikishen be dismissed as an unreliable witness in a court of law, even impeached?

What about Balasubramaniam, the protagonist in this tale? He recants his first SD saying he was forced to sign it under duress, and signs the second SD for cash. Then he starts bleating ‘duress and force’ again.

He and Deepak are not far different, wavering and solely motivated by self interest and gain. Rightly, the Bar Council has asked for more evidence. They have not said they would not investigate.

If what Balasubramaniam says of the first SD is true, why were the lawyers concerned not reported for coercing Balasubramaniam. Where were you Harris Ibrahim then?

And the rest of your shadowy supporters in the background baying for blood. Why did not you call the Bar Council to investigate then? Did Balasubraniam instruct the lawyers of SD1?

Why the haste and insistence? Be sure of the brief given to the lawyers of SD2. Or is there a hidden agenda?

