Psychedelic psychic power?
KTemoc Konsiders
FMT – DAP leadership must share power
Sweetie Selena Tay is an amazing reporter (or journalist) for Free Malaysia Today. In one of her previous article Pakatan’s ‘shadow cabinet’ list she claimed she could even speak with a non-existent Pakatan ‘shadow minister’, so shadowy that he seemed like a miasmatic mist of …….., wakakaka, okay lah … mystery then, wakakaka.
Maybe she’s psychic? 😉
I had then commented her Pakatan shadow cabinet was a Kafkaesque joke – and if you don’t know the meaning of this word, ask Mr Manmanlai, wakakaka – with the potential for Pakatan to outdo BN in the numbers department. 15 ministries including shared deputy prime minister-ships were listed, with each having at least 3 if not more names, making a total of no less than 45 and probably exceeding 60. WTF!
Sweetie Selena admitted that her list has been compiled from a combination of:
(a) discussions with a Pakatan MP who wished to remain anonymous …
… but who wakakaka, I suspect, was probably from PKR. As usual, by suggesting some key nominees in the secret list, he was pre-empting PKR’s supposed allies from choice ministries wakakaka,
(b) observations from the performances and statements of Pakatan MPs …..,
… and undoubtedly, the most mysterious of all, wakakaka ……..
(c) personal conversations with the shadow ministers, their friends or their acquaintances, where in the first place, shadow ministers, other than the PM-designate, don’t exist ……..
I was very cruel to her when I wrote: No, I won’t hold much store by the list that Sweetie has written, perhaps more to mitigate against the BN sting that Pakatan is still incapable of coming up with a shadow cabinet than it be a genuine secret Pakatan plan.
Of course I have my opinion as to why, but the far more important point was my amazement at Sweetie’s claim of talking with non-existent shadow ministers ….. unless of course she had the conversation with the self-appointed wet-dreaming shadow Home Minister wakakaka.
I hope she as a DAP member (so she claimed in her recent article) didn’t/doesn’t take my criticisms too badly as I had also excoriated another DAP sweetie, Hannah Yeoh, for being mathematically challenged in her support for Anwar Ibrahim’s 916 (Hannah took law, not maths so it’s okay, wakakaka), as follows:
I love but don’t blindly idolize her, wakakaka |
The saddest consequence of Anwar’s 916 debacle was a DAP sweetie like Hannah Yeoh being swept into that mesmerizing manmanlai miasmatic mist of malarkey – see my February 2009 post DAP should stop defending Anwar Ibrahim where Hannah stupidly wrote (yes, I support DAP but that doesn’t mean I am like some people, blind as a bat wakakaka):
“Those who argue that the political crisis in Perak now is a taste of Pakatan Rakyat’s own medicine – a reference to Sept 16 – fail to see the key differences between the two.”
“When Anwar claimed to have the numbers to form the federal government, he wrote to Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, requesting him to convene an emergency sitting of Parliament. This was rejected by the prime minister.”
“The next constitutional option was to press for the dissolution of Parliament to make way for fresh elections. This too was not entertained.”
“Anwar exhausted every constitutional means available to him. If Pakatan were to act unconstitutionally and lure defections, then we will be having a new government today. So, you can’t say that Najib’s coup in Perak and the Pakatan plan – Sept 16 – were one and the same.”
Leaving aside the different issue of Najib’s coup d’état in Perak which involved someone high up who should have stayed out of direct politics, Hannah Yeoh was stupid (and I hope the sweetie isn’t now) to claim that Anwar had the right to demand AAB convene an emergency sitting of Parliament or to press for the dissolution of Parliament to make way for fresh elections.
WTF for, just after an election where AAB’s BN trounced Pakatan by 140 seats to 82? Was she mathematically challenged?
Now, would you believe it, the mystery of the phantom (wakakaka) shadow ministers has just become even more mysterious because on re-checking her shadow cabinet article I found the words ‘shadow ministers’ mysteriously missing like Jim Thompson, wakakaka. Oh, the mystery of it!
Jim Thompson disappeared in Cameron Highlands on 26 March 1967 Joining the Malaysian PFF in the biggest man hunt in Malaysian history were a Sarawak border scout, bomohs, aborigine pawang and European psychics To this day, the mystery of his disappearance remains |
Surely this calls for the use of that wonderful Indonesian word anéh as in anéh bin ajaib (extremely strange, wonder of wonders) wakakaka.
Hey, maybe sweetie didn’t write it and I was, no not psychic, but psychedelically hallucinating, wakakaka. Hmmm, I wonder whether she read my post, wakakaka.
Never mind, but incidentally, just where is Hartalmsm when you need them? Busy attacking politicians like Lim GE, I suppose? Wakakaka.
Oh incidentally, on 30 June this year, sweetie wrote another article titled The doctor decides …? which states:
Three days ago, a reporter friend (sweetie Selena has always been very discreet, never mentioning her sources, wakakaka) forwarded a text message to this columnist which says that the doctor has taken over Umno and right now the grassroots reports are being forwarded to him.
But the big news is that the doctor is planning to have the polls held in September. This is because it seems that the doctor has got tired of Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s feet-dragging and lack of confidence … […]
Wakakkaa, I had then posted my take on her headline-grabbing coup d’état by Dr M as:
We may yet again take it that Sweetie’s latest article of Dr Mahathir mounting a silent coup d’état to launch a September poll was sourced from PKR, especially in the light of UMNO information that Dr Mahathir has affirmed Najib should be complimented for not calling for early election (or if you like, ordering Najib to hang on for as late/long as possible).
Wakakaka again.
Anyway, back to her latest article DAP leadership must share power in FMT. Just a few extracts I wish to comment on as follows: