Pahang non-Muslims can’t use ‘Allah’ word 

(Bernama) – Non-Muslims in Pahang are prohibited from misusing the word of ‘Allah’ and 34 other words associated with Islam, said its mufti, Datuk Abdul Rahman Osman. 

He said this was enshrined under the Administration of Islam and Malay Customs of Pahang Enactment 1989 which carries a fine up to RM5,000 or imprisonment up to two years or both upon conviction. 
Non-Muslims are barred from using the word in statements, speeches, publications or broadcast for it could mislead and affect the faith of Muslims, he told reporters here today. 
He was commenting on the hullabaloo over the use of the word ‘Allah’ which erupted after DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng, in his Christmas message, urged the federal government to allow Christians to use ‘Allah’ in the Bahasa Malaysia version of the Bible. 
Abdul Rahman said the issue should be resolved by enforcing the enactment and abiding by the edict passed by the Muzakarah (Conference) of the Fatwa Committee of the National Council for Islamic Religious Affairs to avoid disputes, disunity among ummah, and confusion in the society. 

