Allah is not the problem, mankind is
In each religion, it is only normal for their religion to tell them that theirs is the only and correct religion. Others are not correct. In fact, they are false. This is alright, because the constitution allows freedom of religion. But what a person believes must only be confined to himself or herself. They are not to extend what they believe onto others. If that is done, it will cause war.
Lembu Susu
I wish to share my thoughts to laypersons and have intentional omitted out Scriptures from both the Quran and the Bible, so as to make it easy reading for both divide.
1. The word ‘Allah’ is meant only for Muslims and for all who hold the view that there is only one God, according to the PAS Majlis Syura. This view resonates well with the majority of Muslims in Malaysia. The non-Muslims and the Christians must understand that the reason PAS do not allow the word ‘Allah’ in the Bible translation was because of theological reasons. Christians hold the view that God is a Trinity; that is, the belief in a Triune God (God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Though the Christians maintain that they believe in One God, the concept of the Trinity is unacceptable in Islam. Hence, if the Christians were to use the word ‘Allah’ for their God, then, it will not represent correctly the ‘Allah’ of the Muslim God.
2. The Christians, on the other hand, has a problem if they use the word ‘Allah’ without qualification. The problem is that the ‘Allah’ of the Bible is not the same as the ‘Allah’ of the Quran. For example, the Christians believe the Bible teaches monogamous marriages, but in the Quran, polygamy is allowed, albeit with certain conditions. Moreover, in the Quran, jihad also involves wiping out infidels, which is not advocated at all in the New Testament of the Bible. Hence, when the Christians use the word ‘Allah’ for God, they have to clarify, that though the word ‘Allah’ is the same word being used for ‘God’ by both the Christians and the Muslims, yet, the ‘Allah’ revealed in the Bible is different from the ‘Allah’ in the Quran.
3. The bottom line is this: ‘Allah’ is just a word to denote ‘God’. It is how you fill that word with meaning. This is where the teachings in the Quran and in the Bible gives meaning to the word ‘Allah’ by each religion.
4. But if we are to look it from another angle, actually, Allah is greater than any human words can express. Allah cannot be confined to a word. Words are only necessary to help man connect to Him, but He is greater than a word. In fact, there is no word that is sufficient to address Him. He is beyond words. He cannot be reduced to just a word, ‘Allah’. He is greater than any words mankind can call Him.
5. So, on ‘Allah’s side, there is no issue for the Muslims and there is no issue for the Christians. He will never be confused by the Christians or by the Muslims.
6. As for Muslims and Christians, there are also no confusion with the word ‘Allah’, as the years have proven. It is how you fill the meaning of the word ‘Allah’. The teachings from the Quran and the Bible will give understanding and meaning to that word, by each one’s religion accordingly.
7. Every person will believe his or her religion is the correct and right one. Malaysia has existed in harmony all these years because of the mutual respect shown towards another person’s religion and faith.
8. In each religion, it is only normal for their religion to tell them that theirs is the only and correct religion. Others are not correct. In fact, they are false. This is alright, because the constitution allows freedom of religion. But what a person believes must only be confined to himself or herself. They are not to extend what they believe onto others. If that is done, it will cause war.
9. Though Islam is the religion of the Federation, the Constitution allows freedom of religion. Hence, to stretch one’s belief and impose it on others infringes on the rights of a citizen.
10. The non-Muslims cannot impose on the Muslims their beliefs, neither can the Muslims’ beliefs be imposed onto the non-Muslims. Instead, there must be mutual respect for one another’s beliefs.
11. No one can tell another religion what word they can use and what word they cannot use. If this is allowed, it will break down the peace and harmony that was built and cherished all these years. It will be the same as telling them, ‘you cannot practice your own religion, because your religion violates my religious beliefs; and we all know that it is common for almost every religion, if adhered fully, will violate another. If this happens, then, there will be provocation and war.
So, in conclusion, may the one in authority not use their authority to impose one’s beliefs onto another, just because this is what they believe in. Instead, the call for restraint and respect over one another’s faith and belief should be paramount and be upheld. Let the Muslims respect the non-Muslims’ faith and beliefs, and vice-versa the non-Muslims respect the Muslims’ faith and beliefs. If ‘Allah’ is consider a sacred word to the Muslims, then, keep it within the context of that religion. Don’t impose it on another, who may not share the same beliefs. The Christians have no intention to hurt or to confuse the Muslims. They are only asking for their right to practice their own religion, using a word that has been there and has already being used all these years.