‘Better for Sarawak to pull out too’
Following the steps of Sabah STAR, a Sarawak NGO also openly states that the state would be better off being independent.
(FMT) – KUCHING: The Movement for Change, Sarawak (MoCS) said that the ongoing religious debate in Peninsular Malaysia which took on a dangerous turn of late has caused great concern among Sarawakians.
“We, Sarawakians, want no part in this heated quarrel over the Allah issue. The people of Sabah and Sarawak have no religious or racial problems and we don’t wish to be contaminated with ‘religious poison’ from bigots and ‘dangerous’ politicians like Ibrahim Ali from Malaya,” MoCS leader Francis Paul Siah said in a statement here today.
MoCS has always maintained that Sarawakians are a different breed and “our racial and religious harmony are genuine, unique and not hypocritical”.
“On these two fronts, the people of West Malaysia could take a cue from us. But would they?,” Siah asked.
He said that the government had allowed Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali to go ‘scot free’ for uttering offensive and inflammatory words against Christians was the last straw.
Last Saturday, the Perkasa leader has called on Muslims to burn the Malay version of the Bible.
“How can any Malaysian, let alone government leaders, with the right sense of mind continue to tolerate the likes of Ibrahim and his Perkasa group?
“We are very disappointed with the prime minister for doing nothing about it. At times, we wonder whether Najib is the prime minister of the whole nation which includes Sarawak and Sabah or only of Malaya,” Siah said.
There are many other reasons why Sarawak would be better off by pulling out of Malaysia.
“The list is too long to detail here but as it stands today, I cannot think of one good reason why Sarawak should remain in Malaysia,” Siah said.