BTN masuk sekolah brainwash
Dengan bertemakan ‘Anwar Pengkhianat Negara’ seorang penceramah dipercayai dari BTN menyampaikan ucapan di hadapan sekumpulan pelajar Sekolah Menengah.
Amat mendukacitakan, budak sekolah yang tak layak mengundi pun dipujuk supaya balik rumah nanti beritahu ibu ayah mereka supaya menyokong umno BN – Politik badut semakin dijadikan bahan lucu untuk menghiburkan rakyat.
Khaled: Govt has no intention of brainwashing students
(The Star, 22 Jan 2013) – The Government has no intention of brainwashing students through campus activities, said Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin.
He said the allegation that the Government had been brainwashing students via activities such as forums was not true since it defeated the purpose of higher education.
“There is no intention whatsoever to brainwash the students, it will not help us to achieve our aim to instil critical thinking skills among the students,” Mohamed Khaled told reporters here.
He reiterated that neither the ministry nor Universiti Utara Malaysia were behind the public forum held at UUM involving undergraduate K.S. Bawani and SW1M president Sharifah Zohra Jabeen Syed Shah Miskin.
The forum became a controversy when a video clip emerged on YouTube showing Sharifah Zohra Jabeen berating Bawani over free higher education.