UndiMsia! “Aku Peduli Apa” videos go live!


UndiMsia! “Aku Peduli Apa” videos go live and we want them to go viral!


Watch them here:

Aku peduli sistem pendidikan – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FM6XXi9HheA

Aku peduli isu perumahan – http://youtu.be/FM6XXi9HheA

Help us tweet this at 11am, 3pm, and 9pm today (29 January 2013).

– Use the hashtag #akupeduliapa

– Mention @undimsia

– Tweet about the stupid things politicians say or the issues you wish your politicians would care about

– Include the following URL in your tweets:

bit.ly/W81lEl (education)

bit.ly/VbyDA9 (housing)

Or if you are too lazy to come up with your own tweets, you can always RT the tweets with #akupeduliapa that appears in @undimsia @loyarburok or/and @pusatrakyatlb

Read more at: http://www.loyarburok.com/2013/01/29/undimsiaakupeduliapa/ 

