DAP vs PKR: Ceasefire ordered in Johor

The public spat between DAP’s Boo and PKR’s Chua being exploited by BN-controlled media, says DAP seceretary-general Lim Guan Eng.

Athi Shankar and Alyaa Azhar, FMT

Pakatan Rakyat has ordered a ceasefire between Johor chairman of PKR Chua Jui Meng and DAP’s Dr Boo Cheng Hau.

DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng and PKR supremo Anwar Ibrahim have apparently brokered the truce after deliberating on Chua and Boo’s recent public spat.

Lim said he spoke with Anwar, and both agreed that Chua and Boo should refrain from making anymore comments on the relationship between Johor DAP and the PKR leadership, especially on the contentious issue of seat negotiations.

“Both state leaders should also consult first with the respective top party leadership before making any public statements on seat allocations between both parties for the coming general election,” Lim said in a statement here today.

As usual, the obvious reason for Pakatan’s gag was that the public spat was being exploited by all mainstream media, especially those controlled by Barisan Nasional.

“Such negative publicity is not desirable in the lead-up to the general election. It will only delight BN and disappoint Pakatan supporters hoping for a real breakthrough in this BN fortress state,” said Lim, the Penang Chief Minister.

Seat negotiation still ongoing

While the DAP central leadership appreciated Boo’s contributions, Lim said the party acknowledges his frustrations on being dictated to, in the ties between DAP and PKR in Johor.

However such matters, no matter how unjust and frustrating, said Lim, should not be expressed in the public domain unless all avenues for internal discussion between PKR and DAP have been exhausted.

As such, while the discussions were still on, he said DAP and PKR leaders, members and supporters should express their views through internal channels in order not to provide ammunition to rivals.

He said the party central leadership would convey the sentiments and justification of Johor DAP in the final seat negotiations, which would be ultimately decided by top leaders of PKR and DAP.

The national seat negotiations among Pakatan Rakyat component parties are still ongoing. The DAP is represented by a team led by party national deputy chairman and election committee chairman Tan Kok Wai.

“Any disputed seats will be addressed by the Pakatan top three leaders,” said Lim, the Bagan MP.

Wrong time for fighting

In another development, DAP’s Puchong MP Gobind Singh Deo said the squabble must be investigated and solved as soon as possible.

“Allegations have been made [by Boo], and these claims should be looked into,” Gobind told FMT.

“I am sure it is of the interest of both PKR and DAP to have the issue resolved as soon as possible, especially since the general election is around the corner,” he said, echoing a similar call made by his father and DAP chairman Karpal Singh yesterday.

Karpal had backed Boo and raised the question of Chua’s credibility, stating that the PKR state chief  had been a long term MCA man before joining PKR.

Karpal added that Chua’s unsuccessful attempt in 2004 at the MCA presidency and “his obvious overzealous enthusiasm to regain a seat in parliament certainly exposes a credibility problem which may appear to consume the better part of his intellect”.


