Sabah – A Prized Catch 

Sultan Jamalul Kiram III has been a toothless tiger for a very long time as he is plagued by a lot of problems, from family infightings, health issues, financial difficulty and rivals claiming his throne, more than a dozen to speak. But then, suddenly, the toothless tiger Jamalul Kiram grows fangs and claws?
Do not be misled as this current unfolding of events is the beginning of a much sinister ploy. 
Gabungan Pribumi Prihatin Sabah (Coalition of Concerned Sabah Natives)

The incident involving a large group of Sulu warriors (Royal Army of Sulu) currently locked in a standoff with Malaysian authorities at Lahad Datu in Sabah is not merely about the Sultanate of Sulu enforcing its ancestral claims on Sabah.

Do not be misled as this current unfolding of events is the beginning of a much sinister ploy.

Sabah is ground zero in a conspiracy perpetrated by very powerful entities and the Filipino Muslims rebels currently at standoff with Malaysian authorities are merely pawns in a game where lives are ‘meant’ to be lost for a deceptive cause.

Claims that Sulu warriors landed in Sabah because the Sulu Sultanate was left out of the recent peace process brokered by Malaysia between Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and the Philippines Government is NOT REALLY THE FACT!

The following are some facts and evidence that reveal why Sabah is Ground Zero:


This ship – USS GUARDIAN – ran aground in Tubbataha Reefs in Philippines on Jan 17, 2013.

The USS Guardian, after it ran aground in Tubbataha Reefs is pictured on Jan. 17, 2013, by the Armed Forces of the Philippines Western Command.

This ship was ‘deliberately’ made to sail off-course. Imagine with the latest equipment on board and having sailed through the same route many times, this minesweeper ship was unable to differentiate the reefs from the waters.

Despite being warned repeatedly by Tubbataha Reef Marine Rangers, the USS Guardian commander refused to listen and stop.

He even ordered his crew to get into ‘battle position’ when the rangers tried to get on board to make a routine inspection on the ship after it ran aground.

Until today, it remains a mystery: Why were they even near Tubbataha? The Sulu Sea is so vast, and it takes hours from Puerto Princesa to reach it. Why couldn’t they see it when they had all the state-of-the-art maps and navigation systems? asked Jose Ma. Lorenzo, World Wildlife Fund-Philippines chief executive officer.

THIS is what Philippines Department of Transportation and Communication SecretaryJoseph Emilio Abaya said of the US Sailors on board USS Guardian:

“Some say they probably enjoyed too much of an RnR in Subic, some said error in digital charts, some say they were doing a different thing there on their own…..”

In other words, the Secretary was trying to imply that USS Guardian was running its own ‘clandestine’ operation.

(For further read on the USS GUARDIAN issue, please go to:

Could it be that this incident created a smokescreen for some other activities to take place in the Sulu Sea and adjoining Celebs Sea?

* The date of the incident was Jan 17, 2013.

* Members of the self-styled Royal Army of Sulu invaded Sabah on Feb 11, 2013, which is 24 days later.

There was a flurry of activities involving US ships as well as rescue and salvage ships in the Sulu Sea since the Jan 17 incident at Tubbahata Reef region.

As a matter of fact, the crew on board USS Guardian were quickly rescued and whisked away to a Japan safe zone. Why were they not brought to Philippines which is the most logical thing to do?

Could it be that all this activities that ensued in the Sulu Sea could have provided an opening for hundreds of speed boats with Sulu warriors to sail into Sabah undetected?

Something is just not right with the USS Guardian.    

Philippines Senator Antonio ‘Sonny’ Fuentes Trillanes IV, a former Navy Lieutenant is the man who knows exactly what is going on Sabah.
Trillanes IV (born 6 August 1971 in Manila, Philippines) is a Philippine military and political figure. (You can find his details in Wikipedia). He is best known for his role in the 2003 Oakwood Mutiny when he and a group of 321 armed soldiers took over the Oakwood apartment towers in Makati City, lined them with bombs and threatened to demolish them because they were tired of corruption in the army and called for the ousting of then-President Gloria Aroyo. He is an incumbent Senator of the Philippines, the first Philippine Senator to be elected while in jail.
Now, he has called on President Aquino’s administration to make known its policy on the country’s claim to Sabah and on the standoff between Malaysian security forces and a group of armed warriors loyal to Sultan of Sulu in the eastern Malaysian territory.
Trillanes was President Aquino’s backchannel link to Beijing at the height of tensions between the Philippines and China over a territorial dispute in the West Philippine Sea (South China Sea) last year.
Trillanes, as told to reporters in Manila recently, is the person responsible for directly briefing President Aquino on the Sabah situation.
But some in Philippines claim he is a double agent.
He is known to get things done by playing to Washington’s tune. When he was advising Aquino during the tensions with China, he did his job fairly well by getting sound advice from the Americans while sweet talking to the Chinese at the same time.
Leaked diplomatic cables reveal that one or two American special agents will always be trailing Trillanes each time he met with top Chinese Government officials, be it in China or Manila, during the crisis negotiations.
And the Chinese probably knew it too, but they were busy playing their own games with the Americans and the Filipinos.
Regarding the standoff issue in Sabah, Trillanes was quoted as saying: “It was high time the Department of Foreign Affairs articulated the government’s policy on Sabah. Until then we’ll have to withhold further comment because this is a very sensitive issue and it involves the lives of our countrymen in Sabah”.
It appears that Trillanes knows that some lives could be lost in the Sabah standoff. 

3. Toothless Tiger  Grows FANGS
Sultan Jamalul Kiram III has been a toothless tiger for a very long time as he is plagued by a lot of problems, from family infightings, health issues, financial difficulty and rivals claiming his throne, more than a dozen to speak.
One just has to read to catch a glimpse of how many ‘sultans’ are claiming the one throne in Sulu.
Jamalul Kiram knows his kingdom is not safe in his hands, and he suffers from liver ailment as well as other illnesses, and lives in constant fear that someone will poison him to claim his throne.
But then, suddenly, the toothless tiger Jamalul Kiram grows fangs and claws.
He orders his troops, helmed by his crown prince, to invade Sabah knowing very well that the full might of the Malaysian army will be upon his men.
How did this happen? Any by the way, Jamalul Kiram is still undergoing treatment at a Manila hospital for liver ailment.
This begs the question, who is behind Jamalul Kiram’s renewed vigour in claiming Sabah?

