Shocking! Ridhuan teaches ethnic relations

Colleagues of the associate professor reveal how students have complained about the sensitive issues raised during his lectures.

RK Anand, FMT

Ridhuan Tee Abdullah’s drivel in Sinar Harian incensed a MIC leader to the point of threatening to call on the Indians to vote for the opposition if the authorities failed to act against him.

Now, S Vell Paari was both shocked and horrified to learn that the Muslim scholar was assigned to teach ethnic relations to this nation’s future military leaders.

Ridhuan’s colleagues from the National Defence University, who met the MIC strategy director at his residence yesterday, claimed that the associate professor was preaching ethnic cleansing instead.

“I was told that there had been complaints from his students, including Malay students, about the sensitive things he mentions during lectures.

“This man’s views threaten racial harmony. Someone should lock him up in a dungeon and throw away the key, let alone give him a teaching job,” Vell Paari told FMT.

Accused of plagiarising

Furthermore, he said there was also the allegation that Ridhuan plagiarised the works of other academics in seeking promotion.

“This is a serious allegation. I was given documentary evidence about this. Ridhuan is accused of copying word for word of one Dr Airil Sametok on the topic ‘The Importance of Research’.

“In his paper, Ridhuan claimed that it was his original work,” he added.

Vell Paari said if the allegation was true, then it was disappointing that a Muslim preacher and a recipient of the Maulidur Rasul award would stoop to such a level.

“For someone who appears on television talking about Islamic values, this is nothing short of cheating and being a fraud,” he added.

The MIC leader also said that he was informed of how Ridhuan managed to obtain the associate professor title in just three years.

“I was told that it takes between five and seven years, and the person’s publications and international reputation are also taken into account.

“So I am wondering if Ridhuan is a genius of sorts,” he added.

Vell Paari said Ridhuan’s colleagues considered him an embarrassment to the academia and a liability to the university.

Apart from this, the MIC leader said he also found it disturbing when told that Ridhuan, a Chinese Muslim convert, was hostile towards his Chinese colleagues and staff.


