BN Dog Fight! – Tengah ‘Plotters’ Scrap For Candidates EXCLUSIVE 

For the different camps in BN the whole struggle is being treated as a fight to the death. It is the difference between vast wealth for the winners and exile for the losers.

Sarawak Report 

Taib loyalists are again confiding in Sarawak Report over details of alleged plans to seize control of politics in Sarawak, in order to topple the Chief Minister after the coming federal election.

Their revelations prove that Sarawak BN is a coalition in crisis, turned in and fighting with itself, as its leaders struggle to gain the key position in control of the ‘rich resources’ of the State that Najib Razak recently referred to.

That position is the one that has been occupied by Taib Mahmud for the past 30 years and which is now said to be coveted by his Second Minister for Planning, Awang Tengah.

“To swap Taib Mahmud for Awang Tengah is like leaving the tiger for the crocodile” explained one key source, who says the reason that the whistleblowers have chosen to come to Sarawak Report is that no Sarawak newspaper would dare publish a story about disloyalty in BN.

However, the in-fighting reflects a similar struggle at the party’s federal level, where the PM’s deputy, Muhyiddin bin Yassin, is widely reported as being at the head of a plot to seize control himself the moment the election is out of the way.

The plan to control the federal BN candidates?

Mustapa Han – Trusted diary keeper or the key traitor in Taib’s office? Loyalists are claiming that Han is only allowing Tengah’s people to get near Taib Mahmud.

The loyalists to Taib say that disenchanted plot members have revealed full details of what is going on.

They are fearful they have not a moment to lose to alert their leader, whom they say is being primed to appoint a BN candidate list for the federal election that is packed with secret Tengah supporters.

Earlier revelations in this blog have already detailed the names of existing supporters of Tengah in the Dun Assembly, highlighting the Speaker Mohd Asfia Awang Nassar.

Tengah is said to have promised Nassar the coveted job of Governor if he gets to be Chief Minister.

In this second stage of the plot, Tengah and his inner circle are said to have been working covertly to win over key officials, who will be recommending nominations to Taib and Najib for the candidate list

A number of Federal MPs are also said to have been won over to the movement already.  These will be supported by the officials, but those who are regarded as Taib loyalists will be undermined by poor reports about their performance. Rivals who are pledged to Tengah will be written up as popular and effective members of their constituencies.

Monster mansion – now completed Tengah’s new house has apparently provided the central meeting point for the BN plotters.

The inner circle who are running this alleged conspiracy are named as being Subuyau State Assemblyman, Julaihi Narawi; Taib’s Political Secretary, Abdullah Saidol; Tengah’s favoured candidate for Batang Lupar, Awang Jamuddin Awang Kon; the Executive Secretary of PBB, Awang Bujang Awang Antek; Tengah’s preferred candidate for Sibuti, Pandi Suhaili and Radin Kadri, who has been rounding up a militant ‘Youth Wing’ of the party, financed by Tengah.

This group meets regularly either at the Sarawak Golf Club or at Tengah’s plush new mansion, which was financed by the rewards of his position as Second Planning Minister.

An inside source from Tengah’s camp has further informed that the Chief Political Secretary, Abdullah Saidol meets up with Taib’s Senior Private Secretary, Mustapa Han everyday in the CM’s office to liaise on the progress of the plan.  Han has also been named as a key Taib insider, who has allegedly been won over to the plotters group.

“This is the first time in Chief Minister’s era that the Chief Political Secretary and Senior Private Secretary have met up everyday which has never been done by the previous predecessors” [Taib supporter]


The list!

Moneybags – brother Awang Damit is allegedly distributing the cash behind the plot

The whistleblowers have even supplied Sarawak Report with a full detailed list of Tengah loyalists and the BN constituencies in which they hope to be able to secure nominations as Federal candidates.

The list (below) shows how most of BN’s Dayak seats are now being fought over by these ferocious rival camps within the same party.

The disgruntled PRS leader, the ‘Land Snatch Minister’ James Masing, is said to have firmly moved into the Tengah camp.  The other BN coalition parties, SUPP and SPDP are also riven with rivalries.

The financing of this campaign of disloyalty is allegedly being carried out through Tengah’s own trusted brother, Awang Damit.

Since no one does anything except for money in the corrupted culture of BN, Tengah appears to be operating on the basis of using the immense money and power that his position as Planning Minister has provided with him to undermine his once trusting boss the Chief Minister himself.

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