The Politician and the Intellectual Mandarin
Making Anwar Ibrahim PM, is secondary. The primary purpose is to install a good government. Now, a good government is constituted by good people. That is the fundamental requirement. We need good people, qualified, dedicated and selfless who work the system to make the country better.
Sakmongkol AK47
Let us make this country better. This country is now owned by all Malaysians. We are all equal stakeholders. We can make this country better by changing the government. That is why we are calling for a regime change.
Surprisingly that simple proposition is too difficult for some people to understand. Chandra Muzaffar despite his intellectual self finds it difficult to understand precisely because he cannot understand the motivations, the hopes and fear of the people. These are but people riding the Clapham Omnibus. Mahathir on the other hand is worried about the change because a regime change will expose all his hollow achievements.
Like someone close to him said- history will judge Mahathir on corruption. Why does Mahathir busy himself with desperate efforts to maintain the tyranny of the status quo? Mahathir’s growing involvement in present politics is nothing short of a damning indictment on Najib. Mahathir’s overshadowing presence in UMNO politics clearly shows that Najib is an incapable leader who is impotent most of the time. Mahathir considers Najib a useless and utterly ineffective leader. Long in form, very very short in substance. Therefore if Najib can become PM, anyone else can too.
This coming election is not about the culmination of efforts to make Anwar Ibrahim Prime Minister. Mahathir and his followers would want us to believe in that big lie. It is a lie that we must politely refuse if we still can do so politely.
Making Anwar Ibrahim PM, is secondary. The primary purpose is to install a good government. Now, a good government is constituted by good people. That is the fundamental requirement. We need good people, qualified, dedicated and selfless who work the system to make the country better.
When we say that, it is easy for people like Mahathir and Chandra Muzaffar to pour scorn and ridicule. How could the others do and accomplish what we have done? It’s only we the good people with the power who can do good whereas the others outside are evil and can do evil things. It’s impossible for good people like us to do evil. That is unnatural.
Now, how is it possible and easy for people like Chandra Muzaffar and a practising politician like Mahathir who has been PM for 22 years, demean those outside their group? How is it possible for these people to believe and consider themselves as the only group eminently qualified to rule this country?