Liar, Liar, Liar Wong Tack!

Stop The Lies

Wong Tack, a DAP man all along in disguise as the Green Man

What a conniving scum and a great liar.

Wong Tack, the man behind the movement of Himpunan Hijau, which has been opposing the Lynas rare earth project, surprised everyone when he was named as a DAP candidate to contest the Bentong parliamentary seat in the general election.

His candidacy was announced by Lim Guan Eng who said that Wong was a natural choice as both DAP and Himpunan wanted to see a greener Malaysia and the closure of the Lynas Corp rare earth plant in Gebeng.

We now know that Wong Tack had been hiding behind the mask of the green movement to brand himself as a champion against the controversial Lynas project to score political points.

This is evident from a China Press report on Thursday that Wong had been a DAP member since 2011 but does not hold any party post.

Since day one, he had fooled the people, especially the Gebeng folks. He failed to declare his political interest and had even been quoted by the Chinese newspapers that he had no political links or allegiance with any political party.

And in January this year only, Wong told Malaysia Insider that Himpunan Hijau did not see the necessity in fielding candidates for the 13th general election.

“At this moment, we don’t see the necessity but…feel that (we should) focus on strengthening Pakatan Rakyat’s position,” he was quoted as saying.

But now he is making a U-turn and has instead offered himself as a candidate.

This flip flop is amazing because just a month ago, he declared that he was not interested in politics and that he will not be contesting any seat.


