Photographs a hot topic in cyberspace

(The Star) – Photographs showing a man resembling an Opposition leader in compromising positions with another man have become a hit in cyberspace.

With the matter becoming a hot topic of discussion in cyberspace, netizens are acting as judge and jury.

While some condemned the politician concerned, another group is stoutly defending him.

One blog uploaded 13 “teaser” black and white photographs, purportedly screen grabs of a video on Thursday.

Among others, it showed the man resembling the leader kissing another man and smooching at the man’s armpit.

There is also a picture showing the back of a naked man walking in a room.

Many other blogs have followed suit and uploaded the photographs with netizens giving their unreserved views via Twitter, Facebook and other social media.

A netizen said such behaviour was not acceptable in Islam and described such individuals as not being fit to be leaders.

Another wrote that people can “use their eyes and brains” to decide on the matter.

One netizen felt that even if the video was to be screened, hardcore supporters of the leader would reject it.

DAP national chairman Karpal Singh said the photographs were aimed at tarnishing the image of Pakatan Rakyat and create negative perceptions with an impending general election.

Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has denied being the man in the photographs, describing it as a disgusting political gimmick executed by Umno.

He said he would let his lawyers handle the matter.

