The principle of the unprincipled (UPDATED with Chinese Translation)
I remember back in the days of Semangat 46, which was basically a party of ex-Umno members and leaders. They, too, toured the country singing like a canary. Even the most respected and revered ‘Bapak Merdeka’, Tunku Abdul Rahman, and the most cursed and hated ‘Bapak May 13’, Datuk Harun Idris, allied with Semangat 46 and went all over Malaysia to whack Umno kau-kau.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Tunku Aziz: DAP a political circus
(Bernama) – “They are a political circus,” said Tunku Abdul Aziz Ibrahim of DAP when asked what he thought of the party’s intention to field advisor Lim Kit Siang in the Gelang Patah parliamentary seat in the coming general election.
“You go to one place and you pitch your tent and, when the circus is over, you take down your tent and move to another circus. This is what they have been doing,” said the former vice-chairman of DAP.
The DAP had announced recently that the 73-year-old veteran politician and Ipoh Timur MP would be fielded in the hot seat, also eyed by Johor DAP chairman Dr Boo Cheng Hau and Johor PKR chairman Datuk Chua Jui Meng.
The DAP stalwart had previously contested in several parliamentary seats since the 1969 General Election, among them Bandar Melaka, Petaling, Kota Melaka, Tanjong and Bukit Bendera.
Speaking to Bernama, Tunku Abdul Aziz, the former president of Transparency International-Malaysia, said the DAP’s practice had negative implications for the voters and the nation.
“You elect them and they do not do anything at all for the constituency and then they move … this is not good. “”If you watch Lim Kit Siang’s progress … political progress … it has been the same story, election after election and after election,” he said.
Tunku Abdul Aziz cautioned voters to vote with their heads and not their hearts when exercising their rights. Shaking his head, he said the party should have advised its elected members of parliament to serve the people who had voted for them through thick and thin.
According to a friend in the Finance Ministry, 90% of the success of the Income Tax and Customs Departments depend on information from insiders. These are people who once were part of the gang (or working for the ‘gang’ — such as the accountants) and have now turned informer or ‘state witness’. I was told the rewards are pretty lucrative, 50% of whatever the government succeeds in recovering.
Sometimes the government uses deception to rope in informers. For example: say a gang got away with a bank robbery to the tune of RM1 million. The police would then announce that the robbery amounted to RM1.5 million. This would turn the bank robbers against each other because they think that the others in the gang have cheated them. Hence they end up becoming police informers to get revenge on those who have cheated them.
I, too, depend on Deep Throats, people who were in one way or another involved with whatever was going on. And, of course, you need to trust your Deep Throats because not always are there documents to support what they say so you need to depend on their word.
The track record of these Deep Throats also counts. They may have been giving you information since the last few years and thus far all the information they have given has never been wrong. One Deep Throat I depended on regarding information about the night Altantuya was murdered was someone I had known for 50 years since 1963. That is longer than I have known my wife.
Nevertheless, in spite of knowing this chap for 50 years, I still found the information he gave quite incredible until I counter-checked the story with Anwar Ibrahim and Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah and both of them confirmed the reliability of the information. Only then did I decide to run with it.
Anyway, the point is, who better to know about what is going on inside a certain gang or organisation if not some insider? We on the outside can only hear stories. Those on the inside were part of what was going on.
Hence it is not surprising that Tunku Abdul Aziz Ibrahim is able to sing like a canary. He was once one of the ‘gang members’ of DAP plus he sat in the top leadership and was privy to the most inner secrets of that party. Hence he would know what many of us would not know.
The question is: is it ethical and noble for Tunku Aziz to now sing like a canary when he used to be one of the birds flocking with the other birds of that same feather? The opposition supporters, in particular the DAP supporters, would definitely say no. They would regard him as a traitor who should not be kissing and telling.
Nevertheless, if it is principles that we worry about, then how principled are people like Anwar Ibrahim, Lajim Ukin, Wilfred Bumburing, Aspan Alias, Ariff Sabri Aziz, and many more of those other ex-Umno leaders who have now joined the opposition and are singing like a canary to reveal what went on in Umno at the time they were in Umno? And who better to reveal what went on and is still going on in Umno than these ex-Umno leaders?
I remember back in the days of Semangat 46, which was basically a party of ex-Umno members and leaders. They, too, toured the country singing like a canary. Even the most respected and revered ‘Bapak Merdeka’, Tunku Abdul Rahman, and the most cursed and hated ‘Bapak May 13’, Datuk Harun Idris, allied with Semangat 46 and went all over Malaysia to whack Umno kau-kau.
And we must not forget that Tunku Rahman was very hurt and upset about May 13 and never forgave those from Umno who he blamed for May 13 — Datuk Harun being one of the major players with blood on his hands. Yet Tunku Rahman and Datuk Harun could join forces in Semangat 46 to whack Umno.
And did not DAP and PAS enter into an alliance with Semangat 46 (called Gagasan Rakyat and Angkatan Perpaduan Ummah respectively), a party where some of the leaders had the blood of May 13 on their hands? And was not DAP and PAS excited that the Semangat 46 ex-Umno leaders were now whacking Umno, the party they were once part of?
Principles are one thing. I am all for principles. But how can we say it is unprincipled for ex-DAP leaders to whack DAP but extremely principled for ex-Umno leaders to whack Umno?
This is where Pakatan Rakyat supporters lack principles and hide behind their lack of principles to talk about principles. Let us not hide behind the word ‘principle’ to deny others their right to free speech, even if what they say upsets us. We can tell Tunku Aziz to shut the fuck up and not talk about DAP if we also tell Anwar Ibrahim, Lajim Ukin, Wilfred Bumburing, Aspan Alias, Ariff Sabri Aziz, etc., to shut the fuck up and not talk about Umno.
我想起了当年的64精神党,一个充满了前巫统会员的政党。他们也一样,周游全马大暴巫统内幕。就连我们最尊重的国父东姑阿都拉曼也和最讨厌的‘513之父’ Datuk Harun Idris 与64精神党联手‘厚厚’地给巫统扒了一层皮。
原文:Raja Petra Kamarudin
(马新社)—- “他们就像是政治马戏团,”东姑阿都阿兹对行动党党魁林吉祥有意在振林山竞选的看法。
“他们去一个地方搭帐篷,当马戏团表演结束后,他们收起帐篷搬到别处,这就是他们的所作所为。” 前行动党副主席如此表示。
那些‘深喉’的过去表现当然也很重要。他们可能给你放消息放了几年,而他们的消息都是正确的。关于阿丹杜亚(Altantuya )谋杀案的‘深喉’,我已经认识了他50年,那是比我认识我老婆还要久!
虽然说我认识了他50年,我还是认为他的消息是匪夷所思的。直到安华和登姑拉扎利(Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah )跟我确认那消息的可靠性,我才决定接受它。
话虽如此,如果我们现在谈及的是原则上的问题,那请问,那些前巫统会员如安华,Lajim Ukin, Wilfred Bumburing, Aspan Alias, Ariff Sabri Aziz, 等等在加入了民联以后就站出来大暴巫统的内幕时,他们又有原则吗?然而,如果他们不说的话,又有谁又会更清楚揭出巫统内幕呢?
我想起了当年的64精神党,一个充满了前巫统会员的政党。他们也一样,周游全马大暴巫统内幕。就连我们最尊重的国父东姑阿都拉曼也和最讨厌的‘513之父’ Datuk Harun Idris 与64精神党联手‘厚厚’地把巫统给扒皮。
我们必须记得国父对于513事件是多么的伤心。他从来没有原谅过那些应该为513事件负责的人,而Datuk Harun Idris 就是其中一个双手沾满了鲜血的幕后操手。然而,国父还是和Datuk Harun Idris 联合64精神党来对抗巫统。
当年64党某些领导者还是513事件的操纵者,但行动党和伊斯兰党不是也曾经和64党联合过吗(当时分别被称为Gagasan Rakyat 和 Angkatan Perpaduan Ummah)?当64党狠狠地大暴巫统内幕时,行动党和伊斯兰党难道不感到高兴吗?
这就是民联支持者没有原则的地方;他们躲在没有原则里大谈原则。我们不应该打着‘原则’这个幌子来妨碍他人的言论自由,虽说他人讲的可能不是对我们有利的。当我们够胆叫安华,Lajim Ukin, Wilfred Bumburing, Aspan Alias, Ariff Sabri 等人闭上他们的狗嘴别再扯巫统后腿时,我们才有资格叫东姑阿都阿兹也闭上他的狗嘴别再扯行动党的后腿。