‘Malaysiakini manipulated my statement’

Minister Raja Nong Chik claims that Malaysiakini did so to provide an advantage to candidates favourable to them.

K Pragalath, FMT

Federal Territories and Urban Well-being Minister Raja Nong Chik Raja Zainal Abidin has claimed that two of his statements regarding an offshore company RZA International Corporation have been manipulated.

“The facts were manipulated by online news portal, Malaysiakini. They tarnished my father’s good name by describing him as being involved in tax evasion, black money and illegal transactions simply to give an advantage to their favourite candidates in the general election.

“This clearly shows that Malaysiakini is unethical and has bad intentions by manipulating facts to gain political mileage,” said Raja Nong Chik, a senator, via a statement today.

Raja Nong Chik is tipped to contest against incumbent Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar who is also PKR vice-president.

He said this in response to Malaysiakini’s news article entitled “Politicians among 1,500 who own offshore companies”.

In the report dated April 5 this year, he was depicted as a prominent shareholder and director of RZA International Corporation, a British Virgin Islands entity that was incorporated on Aug 21, 2007, through Singapore.

“RZA International is a mirror of a Malaysian company Kumpulan RZA formed in 1997 with dealings in real estate and equities investment.

“Raja Nong Chik set up RZA International with his father Raja Zainal Abidin Raja Tachik, a number of his sisters and brothers as well as other family members,” reported the news portal.

According to Malaysiakini: “The minister confirmed that RZA International was set up by his father, who will turn 96 this year, for the purpose of holding legitimate offshore investments for the family”.

“However, the minister did not elaborate on the offshore investments made by his family through the company. He added that RZA International was de-registered in 2009.

“The company was not used to obscure activities of Kumpulan RZA Sdn Bhd, and neither was it used to circumvent taxes or hide transactions overseas,” Raja Nong Chik said in an e-mail to Malaysiakini.

In today’s statement, the minister clarified that RZA International Corporation was formed by his father on Aug 21 2007.

“My father formed the company to make legal offshore investments for my family. RZA International Corporation was eventually wound up as there were no off shore investments,” said Raja Nong Chik.


