Surgical Removal of UMNO from the Malaysian Body Politics

Fernz the Great 


55 years ago the British colonial masters surgically embedded a slimy parasitic reptile species UMNO to colonise the Malayan body politic.

Then 50 years ago Sabah and Sarawak were grafted to Malaya into a Frankenstein monster.
This parasite fed on and grew fat inside all 3 countries and is called “Malaysia”. The name “mala” in Latin means “bad” – and nothing has been good for the artificial country as it became infested with all sorts of parasites.

“Malaysia” has become the anaemic “sick man” of South-east Asia, filled with mutated parasites called “BN politicians” that have so infested its body that it can longer longer function as a healthy body.

On May 5 2013, a major surgical operation will be carried out by the people to extract the UMNO snake and purge its hanger-ons. Although it is expected that the damage can be reduced, the parasites may not be fully purged.

It may be necessary to detach Sabah and Sarawak from Malaya to save the 2 countries. 


Eel Removed From Man After Getting Stuck, Chewing Through Colon (GRAPHIC PHOTOS)

Do not try this at home. Do not try this anywhere. Just do not try it.

A man in China’s southeastern Guangdong province admitted himself to a local hospital after he reportedly got a live eel stuck inside him. According to British tabloid The Sun, the man inserted the 20-inch-long Asian swamp eel into his anus after seeing it done in a porn movie, and he had to endure all-night surgery to have it extracted.

According to a HuffPost translation of a blogger’s post on Chinese message board forum, the eel reportedly chewed through the man’s colon, perforating his large intestine, and became stuck in his body cavity. A graphic X-ray image (seen below) shows how far inside the eel was when the man came in for treatment.

Medical team members reportedly said the eel, which was “simply trying to find its way out,” was alive when removed but died shortly thereafter. According to The Sun, the man is still recovering at the hospital and might face animal cruelty charges.

The Asian swamp eel — also known as the rice eel or rice paddy eel — is a snake-shaped fish that is commonly sold live at food markets in East Asian countries.

Although this type of eel is known as an invasive species in parts of the United States, this isn’t the first time that it’s made its way into (ahem) foreign habitats.

In 2012, a New Zealand man had to have an eel removed from his posterior. In 2010, a Chinese man died after his friends allegedly inserted an eel into his rectum as a joke.

man eel up butt

An X-ray image shows how far inside the man’s body the eel was able to get.
man eel up butt

This photo, provided by Europics, shows the eel after it was removed from the man. 

