GE13: ‘Chinese can never control Parliament’

(The Star) – The Chinese will never be a dominant political force in Malaysia, even under Pakatan Rakyat, said PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu.

As both MCA and DAP would be vying for the limited number of Chinese-majority seats, they would only be eliminating each other, he said.

Only one would emerge winner in each seat, and the number of Chinese-majority seats remained the same, he added.

As such, it would be impossible for the Chinese to wield greater influence in Parliament, he said at a ceramah in Kupang on Thursday night.

It was Mohamad’s inaugural ceramah in Kedah after PAS announced him as its Pendang parliamentary candidate.

Mohamad also pointed out that Pakatan Rakyat fielded 23 more Malay Muslim candidates compared with Barisan Nasional in the 2008 general election.

