Ansari questions PKR’s choice of Ku Li’s men

Tuaran PKR chief Ansari Abdullah will lodge an official complaint with ROS about APS’ involvement in politics.

Queville To, FMT

Tuaran PKR division chief Ansari Abdullah has accused PKR leaders of preaching and practicing ‘fake justice’.

“How can we proclaim ourselves as a party that is fighting for the people’s justice when we can’t even ensure justice within the party?”

He was alluding to the PKR central’s contentious decision to field members of Angkatan Perubahan Sabah (APS) led by former deputy president of Upko Wilfred Bumburing.

Bumburing is contesting under the PKR ticket for the Tuaran parliamentary and Tamparuli state seats. Another APS candidate is Gulabdin B Enjih who is contesting the Sulaman state seat.

Ansari, a lawyer, has questioned the propriety of APS joining the fray since it is supposed to be a NGO, which he said is contravening the Societies Act.

He said he would lodge an official complaint with the Registrar of Societies (ROS) on the matter.

According to Ansari the only bonafide PKR candidate is Rhodes B Panilau for the Kiulu state seat.

“After 14 years of hard work building up the party in Sabah, I only manage to get one PKR member to stand as a candidate while Amanah (APS) got three candidates, courtesy of Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, who is currently still a Umno member,” he lamented.

Bumburing is a vice president of Razaleigh-led Angkatan Amanah Merdeka (Amanah) which  seeks to reinstate the policies and spirit expounded by first prime minister Tunku Abdul Rahman,

Razaleigh, popularly known as Ku Li, is an Umno member and is defending his seat in Gua Musang in Kelantan.


