Ansari mulls setting up his own party after PKR snub

(Borneo Insider) – KOTA KINABALU: The tussle for the Tuaran parliament seat may see Tuaran PKR division chief Ansari Abdullah leaving the party to set up one of his own after the 13th General Election (GE13).

Ansari has been claiming Angkatan Perubahan Sabah (APS) chief Datuk Seri Wilfred Bumburing had betrayed him by not giving the Tuaran seat to him.

“When he (Bumburing) mentioned his intention to join Pakatan Rakyat, we had discussed the issue of seat allocation and he had said I only want a “small car” while the “big car” is yours,” Ansari (picture) told reporters at his office, here, Tuesday.

However, Bumburing has since denied Ansari’s allegations and said it was Ansari who had demanded for the Tamparuli state seat, while the PKR leadership offered him (Ansari) the Sulaman state seat.

Ansari obviously reckoned his chances wer better in the Kadazandusun majority Tamparuli seat rather than the Muslim-bumiputera Sulaman seat which he lost several times in the past.

Ansari said his daughter Erveana Ansari’s decision to contest the Tuaran seat was to challenge the opposition and added that he was ready to face any action taken against him by the party.

“However, I have not received any letter,” he said.

Ansari said Bumburing who is involved in a four-cornered fight would not receive the support of about 6,000 PKR members in Tuaran because their votes would go to the ‘real’ PKR member.

Bumburing will be facing Barisan Nasional’s (BN) Datuk Madius Tangau, Samin @ Jasmin Dulin (Parti Reformasi Sabah) and Erveana.

