GE13: Chua blames violence on politics of hatred by opposition 

(The Star) – MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek said the incidents of arson, explosions and political violence nationwide were due to the politics of hatred by the opposition against the Barisan Nasional.

He feared if the opposition parties do not control and reel in their supporters, Barisan supporters may become angry and retaliate and this could result in chaos.

“If they (the opposition) continue to practise political hatred, they would not be able to control their members.

“Our (Barisan) members, seeing all this, may become emotional and not be able to control themselves. That could lead to chaos,” he warned.

Dr Chua was speaking to reporters ahead of lunch with over 20 non-governmental organisations at the Seng Kee restaurant in Jementah, near here, yesterday.

He said, however, that despite the attacks at Barisan operations centres, he had not given any instructions to increase security at the MCA centres nationwide.

Dr Chua said the politics practised by the Barisan continues to be relevant, adding that in the past three days several PAS leaders had issued statements that the party will implement hudud should the opposition front come into power.

“For Johor, this must not happen. Or else, it will destroy the economy and racial harmony that had long been seen among the different races here.”

Dr Chua said Johor has seen the most development among all states, with more than 250,000 jobs created over the past five years.

The figure, he added, was higher than in Penang and Selangor.

He said the opposition was full of lies and their biggest lie was telling the country (in 2008) that 30 Barisan MPs were jumping ship and joining the Pakatan coalition to form a new Federal Government.

On PKR, led by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, he said 34 founding members of the party had since left because they were fed up with the lies of its leaders. 
