Crowd at opposition events do not reflect support: Tun Daim

(The Sun Daily) – The large crowd gathered at opposition-organised events do not translate into support, said former finance minister Tun Daim Zainuddin.

The Umno stalwart said the crowd attending opposition-organised events could merely be curious onlookers, adding that many present are outsiders.

“This is a psychological campaign…they bring in outsiders to show that there is support but you know the voters here (Putrajaya) are only 15,000… those are not voters.

“They want to listen, that’s normal. Anywhere you go, people want to listen, especially when you criticise the government,” Daim told reporters after delivering his speech rallying support for Putrajaya incumbent Datuk Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor last night.

Daim was referring to the thousands of people who attended the ceramah by PAS spiritual adviser Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat who came to support the party’s candidate Datuk Husam Musa’s bid to represent the country’s administrative capital last Friday.

Daim said he is confident that Barisan Nasional will “still win”, adding that it would not be a problem if the coalition’s machinery is strong and there is no element of sabotage.

Taking a swipe at the opposition, he said there is no need for “change”, adding that the people are mature and want to see stability.

“These characters (opposition) can’t even run the state. We gave them the opportunity to run the states and they messed things up and now they want to mess things up at Federal (level).

“I don’t think the rakyat will accept it,” he said.

Asked if he is worried about the younger generation being swayed by the winds of change, a sentiment played up by the opposition, Daim said the younger generation are neutral.

“Based on the feedback, the younger generation do not like both (BN and Pakatan Rakyat), so they will stay neutral. They are not happy with Barisan, worst still, unhappy with Pakatan,” he said.

Daim said nothing much can be done to persuade the fence-sitters, adding it’s their prerogative to vote.

“But of course we will encourage them to vote because that’s the responsibility as a citizen but if they don’t want, there is nothing we can do,” he added.

