Irate PAS leaders demand explanation from Johor DAP deputy chairman over call to reject Islamist party

Asked about Johor DAP chairman Dr Boo Cheng Hau‘s remark that he should have called up the Archbishop, the Bishop or even the Pope in the Vatican City to get their opinion on the matter before making his statement, Fernandez said: “ I spoke to God.”

(The Star) – With polling day just a week away, irate PAS leaders have asked Johor DAP deputy chairman Norman Fernandez (picture above) to explain his statement urging voters to reject the Islamist party.

However, Fernandez has reiterated he would continue to express his personal views on sensitive issues such as hudud and public interest cases.

“This is a democracy and everyone is entitled to their opinion. If PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, PAS secretary-general Datuk Mustafa Ali and PAS vice-president Datuk Husam Musa can give their opinions, why not me?” he asked.

In an article written in the syed blog on Saturday, Fernandez said the DAP must realise that PAS was no longer an honest, viable partner of Pakatan Rakyat and must be courageous enough to admit it.

Urging the people of Johor not to gamble and risk their future with the Islamist party, he said he had made up his mind and was convinced that PAS did not deserve his vote.

PAS Ulama Council chief Datuk Harun Taib described Fernandez’s statement as “a step backwards” for Pakatan Rakyat.

“What he had said does not make any sense as PAS and DAP are Pakatan partners and we are united,” he said.

PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu described Fernandez’s statement as an attempt to scare the Johor Chinese voters from supporting the party.

“Attempts to scare them (non-Muslims) won’t work, because the wave of support towards Pakatan is strong,” said Mohamad, adding that any change in policies involving Islam which could affect non-Muslims would only be done through consultation if Pakatan wins power.

PAS vice-president Salahuddin Ayub dismissed Fernandez’s statement, saying it was his personal opinion and did not reflect the stand of Johor DAP.

In a statement issued yesterday, Fernandez, a lawyer, said he did not have an agenda or had timed the release of his views.

The lawyer said he felt the need to express himself after PAS leaders started issuing all sorts of uncompromising statements on hudud.

Fernandez said he has always been expressing his views via his blogs.

“I respect everyone’s views and comments but I will stand by mine as it is my own opinion and not the party’s,” he added.

Asked about Johor DAP chairman Dr Boo Cheng Hau‘s remark that he should have called up the Archbishop, the Bishop or even the Pope in the Vatican City to get their opinion on the matter before making his statement, Fernandez said: “ I spoke to God.”


Stop confusing the people, Boo urges Fernandez

(THe Star) – Johor DAP chairman Dr Boo Cheng Hau (picture above) has told his deputy Norman Fernandez to stop making statements that could confuse the people.

He said while Fernandez could have his own opinion, as a leader, he should have kept that to himself, especially during the elections.

“As a senior leader, he should have been more careful, especially during this critical period as such comments will cause confusion,” he said yesterday.

Dr Boo said as a Catholic, Fernandez should have called up the Archbishop, the Bishop or even the Pope in the Vatican City to get their opinion on the matter before making his statement “as he should not speak for all Catholics”.

DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng said he would leave it to the Johor DAP to handle the matter.

“He (Fernandez) is not a candidate and he has also stated that it was an individual view, and not the party’s,” said Lim.


Fernandez brands PAS man Suhaizan Kayat a ‘warped zealot’

(The Star) – Johor DAP deputy chairman Norman Fernandez, who is urging voters to reject PAS, has singled out the party’s national information chief Suhaizan Kayat (picture above) as a “warped zealot”.

He reminded voters that Suhaizan had made a declaration banning Muslims from wishing Christians a “Merry Christmas”.

“This warped zealot is standing as the PAS candidate in the mixed constituency of Simpang Renggam and Kempas, where he goes to garner non-Muslim votes,” he wrote in an article posted on on Saturday.

The controversial Johor PAS Youth chief had contested and lost the Parit Sulong parliamentary seat in 2004 and the Kempas state seat in 2008.

Suhaizan also advocates the setting up of the hudud law.

Fernandez said Johor PAS continued to be silent and refused to make an open stand if it supported hudud in Johor and if it would change the weekend from Sunday to Friday.

When contacted in Petaling Jaya, Suhaizan said he regarded Fernandez’s statement as an “old story”.

