Be Grateful, Go Vote This Sunday

The new media is of tremendous help here. It enables us to connect directly to leaders from both sides. We can now judge better who we think and believe will make good leaders based on our own set of criteria. Likewise, those unsavory characters will have their true colors exposed in no time.


How often have you been reminded to be grateful?

I received an email from a friend, reminding recipients not to be “ungrateful” to the ruling coalition for their contribution all these years – education, peaceful life, conducive business environment etc. etc.
The leaders themselves have also frequently been reminding the people, as if expecting rakyat to be “eternally” grateful.
Yes, Malaysians have been grateful which probably explain the reason why Barisan National had been voted into power at every general election since independence!
But does being grateful dictates that we must continue to turn a blind eye to a wide spectrum of issues ranging from personal and communal grievances to matters of national interest that many now blame the sitting government for?
In the good old days, controversial issues were easily kept hidden from the public. However, with the help of Internet, issues that would have otherwise remained “covered-up” are bared to all and sundry. Much to the people’s horrors, our state and national closets were overflowing with skeletons (not going into details here as many have written about these) with the stench unbearable.
After weighing all the “goods and bads”, the inevitable happened. Feelings of disdain and disgust simply overwhelmed that of gratefulness. It manifested itself in 2008.
All said, it is the future that we should really be concerned with. While none is perfect, who do we think can lead our country better? Which set of party leadership is more dynamic and capable? Which team can we expect to have the courage and conviction to make the necessary drastic changes envisioned and expected by majority of the rakyat? Surely, a time will come when people perceive a different set of leaders to be more capable of leading our country and will vote for change, gratefulness notwithstanding!
The new media is of tremendous help here. It enables us to connect directly to leaders from both sides. We can now judge better who we think and believe will make good leaders based on our own set of criteria. Likewise, those unsavory characters will have their true colors exposed in no time.
Of course, there is no known scientific tool available to make these precise measurements. Each of us simply judge as any normal human would and we all form own respective opinions which collectively will translate into the result of our votes.
So do not patronize us – the raykat knows best.
Stop constantly telling us to be grateful – we have been!
Stop telling us the other side is inexperienced – seeing Penang, Selangor, Kedah and Kelatan, we believe they can deliver.
Stop saying the other side will ruin or bankrupt our country – candidates and leaders from both sides are just as Malaysian, just as loyal and just as patriotic as you and I who love and definitely want the best for our country!
Just tell us and convince us why you deserve to govern the next 5 years.
Be grateful Malaysians. Go vote this Sunday.

