Take their money
What makes your vote so valuable? How does your tiny vote compel men of stature from their mighty mansions and expensive cars to come down to your humble doorstep with trinkets in their hands to give to you and promises you more? Its because of your vote, and many more like them, that will put those men in power.
Zhang Er
In almost any other democratic country on Earth, the distribution of money or benefits by the political parties contesting in an election to their electorate right before the said election would necessarily be recognized as corruption of the democratic process at the very least.
But not here in Malaysia.
Here in Electionland, for a limited time only, everything from monetary incentives, concerts to stationary, lunch and dinner, it is all free for the taking. And if the present bonanza does not sate your appetite, they promise you, no, in fact they guarantee you, even more goodies after they rise to power. Quite literally, they will make it seem like they will carry you and your family, financially, from cradle to grave. Everything is covered, or so they tell you.
All for a price, of course – your vote.
I am imploring not just for the fence sitters that participated in the many ‘bribe-fest’ ceramahs and entertainment events, but more so for the party loyalist from both sides. Or even to the possible legion of phantom voters, if any.
This is not about what they paid or gave you in the recent past. Its also not about what they promised to give you after the election, if they win. Lets leave all that outside the room for while. Forget the campaign, the heat of the battle, the goodies on the table, the party flags, the feel good ceramahs, those self assuring slogans, be they, ‘dulu, kini dan selamanya’ or ‘ini kalilah’. Forget all that.
Lets just talk only about your vote.
What makes your vote so valuable? How does your tiny vote compel men of stature from their mighty mansions and expensive cars to come down to your humble doorstep with trinkets in their hands to give to you and promises you more? Its because of your vote, and many more like them, that will put those men in power. Your little ‘X’ on that piece of paper, that gives them that power.
But you already know that, of course. What you may not realize, however, is that, this is not about the silly men on podiums with their loudspeakers, be it BN or PR. It was never about them. This election is about you. Its entirely, about you. That’s what democracy is. Your choice, your future – the next five years of your life and your childrens’ life.
That should not be something anyone can buy. Even if they happen to come in big cars and from impressive dwellings. Because, it is not something any civil servant can really afford on their own. Not without your help, your consent. Not unless you sell cheap. This will only be an auction if you allow it to be.
And you don’t have to allow it to be.
Your vote is your own. Your vote is a secret. And even if it isn’t, in this election, the fear of retribution is no longer relevant. Because, as both sides of the divide clearly understands from their transparently insecure and incessant pleas to the Rakyat – its too close to call. The country is very nearly equally divided. If they did threaten you, they are empty threats because they won’t be able to get back at all of us. In any event, you can be sure the winning party will try to bribe us again in five years, to keep their gravy train running. In fact, I guarantee it. No harm, no foul.
This election, for the first time, we have a real choice. An option for more than just one party, despite what they try to make you believe. In a way, we all go into the voting booth with a clean slate. Believe me, you owe allegiance to neither of them. If you did, you would be bribing them. So, I beg of you, be honest about what you saw and what you know to be your choices. Be selfish. Be very selfish. You only get to do it once in five years. Please don’t allow their recent generosity be a factor in your decision. Forget gratitude because they are interviewing to work for you. Believe it or not, you are their boss.
In deciding your choice of investment for your future, ignore all that they tell you about themselves and their opponents and just pay attention to what they are doing and what they have done. Five years is a very long time to work with someone you cannot fire. But make the right choice by you, and you can have your cake and eat it too.
In the meantime, please take the money. Take all they have to give. It was yours to begin with. After all is said and done, this Sunday, when you find yourself in the voting booth alone and silent, with no one to answer to, please mark your little ‘X’ with the sole consideration of YOUR future.
Not theirs.