Bukti Pengundi Hantu diangkut naik kapal terbang sewa khas


Ops MH8611 by Skuad TAHAN
Bukti Pengundi Hantu diangkut naik kapal terbang sewa khas

ABU (Anything But Umno or Asalkan Bukan Umno) is a movement by the people of Malaysia that works to reinstate the democratic institution that has been destroyed by the UMNO/BN government. ABU works to unite the people as a force to throw out this corrupt government. Join ABU volunteer at http://asalkanbukanumno.com/sukarelawan

How to defend your polling station: http://bit.ly/12xoQpc 

SEE VIDEO ON YOUTUBE HERE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bp6_BHZPUBI

