Not my style to interfere in Federal Cabinet appointment, says CM

PRS and SPDP felt they deserved better recognition since both parties delivered all the seats they contested in.

(The Star) – KUCHING: Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud is not going to interfere in the Federal Cabinet appointments. Speaking to reporters after the first session of the State Legislative Assembly Sitting here yesterday, Taib said to interfere was not his style.

“We shall leave it to the Prime Minister (Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak). I’m sure he will think (about it) after talking to them,” he said.

By them, he was obviously referring to PRS and SPDP, the state BN coalition members who are disappointed with the Cabinet appointments despite Sarawak having a record number of seven ministers and three deputy ministers’ posts this time around.

PRS and SPDP felt they deserved better recognition since both parties delivered all the seats they contested in.

In the past week, members of the two parties had been lamenting over the Cabinet appointments. Some even felt it was unfair to give SUPP a ministerial post when the party only delivered one out of the seven seats it contested in.

SUPP’s deputy president Datuk Richard Riot, the party’s only victor, was made the Human Resources Minister.

PRS was given a minister and a deputy minister’s posts while SPDP was completely left out.

PRS’ Selangau MP Datuk Joseph Entulu was appointed Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, while Datuk Joseph Salang, who is Julau MP, was appointed Deputy Tourism and Culture Minister.

Salang, however, declined his appointment, saying the post did not serve the pressing needs of the Dayaks.

PRS president Tan Sri James Masing and his SPDP counterpart Tan Sri William Mawan, will meet with Najib to resolve the matter.

When asked if he would make recommendations to the Prime Minister, Taib said he would not.

“No, I do not interfere in the Cabinet appointments. It is not my style (to do so),” replied the state Barisan chairman.

Meanwhile, state Barisan secretary-general Datuk Dr Stephen Rundi Utom said there would be a discussion with PRS and SPDP to see what could be worked out.

“I do not feel it is wrong to be dissatisfied although it is impossible to fulfil everyone’s request.

“Personally, I feel that it is not important what portfolio you hold. What’s important is being able to serve and help the people,” he said.

He believed PRS realised this which was why the party wanted a more relevant portfolio.

Having said that, he said the position in the Cabinet was also not to only help Sarawak but to serve the whole nation.

As such, he said, the state Barisan would lend its support where it saw fit and under good reasons. He stressed that at the end of the day it was the people who should gain from all this (inclusion in Federal Cabinet).

