Gangster Home Minister

Sorry for the BAD NEWS but here’s some reality…

“THIS” is our NEW “HOME MINISTER” who is a GANGSTER and BEATS-UP people by himself!

Curi-curi Wang Malaysia

I could remember this incident quite clearly which happen several years back and was CONFIRMED to be TRUE also by a friend of mine who is ‘friends’ with Datuk Zahid Hamidi’s son and this incident was also later on REPORTED in Local Newspapers!

Originally it had something to do with this guy who was seeing or going out with his Datuk Zahid’s eldest daughter, which didn’t go well, after she complaint to her father…

…instead of taking action in a Civil manner by using the Law. Datuk Zahid decided to act on HIS OWN and take the LAW into his OWN hands by dealing with this fellow by BEATING HIM UP himSELF along with a few others to aide him.

Things didn’t get any better…they just got WORST under this current Cabinet… 
