Special panel a diversion in an attempt to deflect the public’s attention, says Pakatan

(The Star) – Pakatan Rakyat has branded the Government’s announcement to set up a special panel to oversee the Election Commission as “a diversion from the EC’s failings”.

PAS secretary-general Datuk Mustafa Ali alleged the suggestions made to improve the EC now were an attempt to deflect the public’s attention from what it claims was a fraudulent general election.

“Just settle the matter of fraud first,” he told reporters after the Pakatan Leadership Council meeting here yesterday.

However, Mustafa stopped short of saying they would boycott the panel.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said on Saturday that the Government would form the special panel and that representatives from both Barisan Nasional and Pakatan would be invited to sit in it.

On the Yang di-Pertuan Agong’s call for everyone to accept the general election results, PKR adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, who also attended the meeting, said that while he appreciated the King’s concerns, he claimed that the speech was written by the Federal Govern-ment.

“The King’s speech is normally written by the Prime Minister’s Department and cleared by the Prime Minister himself for the consideration of the King.

“We are considering writing to him directly to explain our situation,” Anwar said.

Anwar also said that Pakatan would organise another rally to protest against the EC, this time in Kuala Lumpur on June 15.

He said the rally’s venue would be decided later.

