Uthayakumar changes his mind, appeals against jail sentence over sedition conviction

(The Star) – Despite saying he was willing to face jail time, lawyer P. Uthayakumar, who was jailed for sedition, has applied to appeal against the Sessions Court’s decision.

Uthayakumar, 50, was jailed two years and six months on June 5 for letters he addressed to the former British Prime Minister six years ago, which amounted to sedition.

Despite dragging on the trial for over three years, to a point that the court allowed deputy public prosecutor Noorin Badaruddin prolix application to control the length of proceedings, the Hindraf leader had chosen not to submit any form of defence.

Within the context of the law, prolixity is defined as unnecessary and superfluous statement of facts in a case.

Hindraf leader Uthayakumar had refused to submit a defence or mitigation, claiming that it was in protest over how Indians in Malaysia were being treated.

Counsel M. Manoharan told reporters Uthayakumar had decided to appeal after Manoharan advised him to do so.

Manoharan filed the notice of appeal to the Session Court registra here at 3pm Friday.

The former Internal Security Act detainee was charged on Dec 11, 2007 with publishing a seditious letter on the “Police Watch Malaysia” website, dated Nov 15, 2007, addressed to then-prime minister of Britain, Gordon Brown.

Uthayakumar had made the declaratory application (to declare the Sedition Act unconstitutional), in a bid to have the charge against him under the Act revoked and the prosecution in the proceedings in the Sessions Court struck out.

