‘We were unaware of Pakatan’s rejection’

PSM secretary-general Arutchelvan says his party was not informed that an application to join Pakatan was rejected.

Lisa J. Ariffin, FMT

Parti Sosialis Malaysia’s (PSM) S Arutchelvan revealed today his party was not aware that their application to join Pakatan Rakyat was rejected until it was reported by The Star Online.

The PSM secretary-general said it was “puzzling” as to why his party was not informed of the rejection before the report, which was published last Friday.

It quoted PKR secretary-general Saifuddin Nasution as saying the decision to allow PSM to be a part of Pakatan was negative. He added that “he supposed” the small party had been informed of the decision by someone from the Pakatan secretariat.

“No members of Pakatan had communicated with us by phone or any other medium. It was puzzling as it was decided before the election, but we were not informed,” said Arutchelvan today.

“If it was decided in their meeting, then they should have informed us, and not let us find out from the Star report,” he added.

In a Facebook status update on Friday, Arutchelvan describe Pakatan as “very funny people”.

“First they question PSM’s loyalty for not joining PR & urged us to join them. Then when we agree to join, they drag their feet,” it read.

“Now after GE, they claim our request was rejected B4 GE…. Still nothing official. Lesson in good governance is to be transparent and why not just put it in a letter.”

Arutchelvan reiterated his call for Pakatan to convey the rejection in a “formal letter”.

“I think they should put everything down officially. We want everything in black and white,” he said.


